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Loyola U. Chicago Course Seeks to Link Donald Trump to Slavery

Loyola U. Chicago Course Seeks to Link Donald Trump to Slavery

Wait, what?

If Trump wins the election, expect stuff like this to happen more often and get worse.

The Daily Caller reports:

University Course Seeks To Link Trump To Slavery

If the political climate this year wasn’t weird enough for many Americans, a move by a professor at Loyola University Chicago to bring up the Donald Trump campaign during a course on slavery may strike some as one of the more bizarre.

he course titled “Slavery and Abolition, Then and Now” is anything but a course on modern politics or political discourse. A copy of the course’s syllabus from 2012 states the class seeks to “introduce students to the long durée of global slavery as a means to convey slavery’s ubiquity across time and space,” the College Fix reports.

The instructor for the course, Professor John Donoghue appears to have decided that slavery, both in the United States’ pre-Civil War history but in other locations throughout the world even today, just isn’t enough to discuss. Instead, he appears to seek to bring the Donald Trump campaign into the discussion.

A correspondence from Donoghue that appeared on Loyola University Chicago’s Black Cultural Center’s Facebook page stated he wanted to do something a little different with the course this year.

“For this spring, I am revising the last third of the course to cover recent, systematic efforts to suppress the black vote, the increasing public exposure of the long-standing problem of racist police brutality, the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, continuing structural racism -particularly in the prison industrial complex, and the racist rhetoric and conspiracy theories that the Trump campaign has revived in our political culture,” Donoghue wrote.


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Where is slavery actively practiced and sanctioned by societies today?