Judicial Watch: Hillary Sent Classified Document to Chelsea

The State Department released 74 additional emails to Judicial Watch, a watchdog group that continues to investigate Hillary Clinton’s private email server. These emails are the ones the FBI found after it completed its investigation. One email included a chain that the State deemed as classified now….one that Hillary sent to her daughter Chelsea Clinton.

The State has blacked out the majority of the email chain, but it came from White House Deputy National Security Advisor Michael Froman and forwarded to Hillary by her policy aide Jake Sullivan. Hillary then sent it to Chelsea.

Politico believes the email has something to do with global climate change negotiations since the date, December 19, 2009, is the day after Hillary and “President Barack Obama took part in whirlwind talks in Denmark over a possible international agreement to combat global warming.” Plus, Froman also sent the email to White House environmental adviser Carol Browner.

Before Hillary sent it to Chelsea, she responded to Sullivan:

The State Department classified the email as confidential on 10/30/2015 and will declassify it on 12/18/2024.

As Politico says, the email received the confidential note “because it came from a foreign government or pertained to diplomatic exchanges.”

No one knows when or why Hillary deleted this email. But I thought she only deleted personal emails about yoga?

State Department spokesman John Kirby said it does not mean the government considered the information as classified at the time:

“The portion of this email that was upgraded was provided to the Department by former Secretary Clinton back in December 2014,” Kirby said. “It was upgraded to confidential – the lowest level of classification – and released in October 2015 during our regular productions of approximately 52,000 pages of former Secretary Clinton’s emails. As to whether emails were classified at the time they were sent, the State Department in the [Freedom of Information Act] process is focusing on whether information needs to be protected today.”

Judicial Watch released this statement after the discovery:

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the State Department’s release of 74 additional emails recovered by the FBI in its investigation of former Secretary of State Clinton’s use of a non-state.gov email system. Included in the new documents was an email in which Clinton forwarded classified information to her daughter, Chelsea, at the unsecure email address dreynolds@clintonemail.com. Before releasing the heavily redacted email to Judicial Watch, the State Department marked it “B1.4(b)” and “B1.4(d),” indicating that it contained “Foreign Government Information’ and “Foreign relations or foreign activities of the US including confidential sources.” The State Department also misleadingly labeled the email with the term “near duplicate.”No wonder Hillary Clinton deleted this email. Her sharing classified information with her daughter shows criminal disregard for national security.

Tags: Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, Judicial Watch, State Department