James Carville Has Lost it: Claims FBI, GOP And KGB Threatening Democracy
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

Remember a few months back when Democrats were accusing Donald Trump of being a conspiracy theorist? Good times.
Democratic strategist James Carville has completely lost his mind and is now claiming that the FBI is working in concert with the Republican Party to take down Hillary. Oh, and the KGB is involved too.
Fittingly, Carville made the remarks on MSNBC. Transcript via Real Clear Politics:
Carville Blows Up On MSNBC Anchor: Our Democracy Is Under Assault By Comey, The KGB And Republicans
CARVILLE: He was acting in concert and coordination with the House Republicans. End of story. He gave a letter to them. They gave it to FOX News. Also, we have this extraordinary case of the KGB being involved in this race and selectively leaking things from the Clinton campaign that they hacked.
So American democracy is really under attack here. And the question is how are we and in particular and how are Democrats going to respond to this. We have to understand this is really, really quite extraordinary. And it would seem to me that the FBI shouldn’t be getting rolled by the House Republicans and that’s what happened here. There is nothing going on and in the meantime we do know that our democracy is under assault by the KGB. To me, that’s something we ought to be talking about. That’s a relevant issue in this campaign. And people have to decide do we want our country for ourselves with the people in charge or are we going to elect the the KGB and the House Republicans to decide this election.
Here’s the video:
John Sexton of Hot Air did a great job breaking this down:
A couple of points on all this. First it seems clear that the Clinton campaign has decided to go all in on attacks against FBI Director Comey. Carville isn’t saying Comey made a mistake or that he was in a tough position, he’s accusing him of meddling in the election in coordination with the GOP.
Second point, Carville turns pretty quickly to attacking Thomas Roberts for pointing out, entirely fairly, that Democrats were singing another tune about Comey just a few months ago. Maybe he just lost his temper or maybe this is meant to be a signal to other news people, i.e. mention our glaring hypocrisy and the attack dogs will turn on you too, media.
Third and finally, Carville is intentionally tying the Comey letter to Russian hacking efforts even though this extended investigation doesn’t stem from that. The source of these newly discovered emails was a laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner. The FBI was investigating Weiner because he was sexting a 15-year-old girl. That’s why this came up. It’s not because of Russia. You certainly don’t get that impression listening to Carville and I’d bet that was on purpose.
Carville is simply trying to distract from the real issue which is too painful for him to face.

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Carville is not crazy. He is just unethical. He knows what he is doing and that he pushing BS.
Always look at the process not the content with Democrats (see Alinsky). The distraction is successful if you look at the content of what he says.
Carville has always been a Wormtongue for the Clintons
The reaction of Democrats, skillful par excellance at being underhanded, is so delicious. I’m reminded of Doyle Lonnegan’s famous crack,
“What was I supposed to do? Call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?”
Carville does not shave his head. His hair just could not stand him any longer and left.
– I’m gonna tell you the year you were born after these important words-
For years this man, who’s hairline goes all the way back to his ankles, has had an ass jealous of the amount of schit he’s able to push out his mouth.
A Weiner should find a new hole to dive into & not pleasure self by constant in & out, going & coming, w/o protection. If Anthony did contact HC by email, it’d probably be 1st time she’d come in contact with A Weiner.
Dude, take my advice. Run & hide bc if HC thinks u cost her the election, u in danger- like Mr Assange. HC’s squirreled away $2Bil offshore, she’ll have the $ to hire all the hitters for all her haters. Security already caught one scaling Assange’s Embsy but he, ‘got away.’ Police response time- 2hrs. Police distance by foot-120 secs. Hmmm.
Re Med Bias: TheWeatherChannel is completely biased. They don’t even try to hide their pro-weather far-wing agenda. It’s clear because of high pressure, they’re a front for Big Weather.
1)Think of a disgusting person in your life. If they run up screaming- ‘A meteor is going to hit the US in 4 hours!’ Do you say- ‘They’re disgusting so I’m not gonna even see if it’s true?’
2) A low IQ dude says 4+4=8. Do you say- ‘His IQ is so low, 8 can’t be right’?
Which is more important: The source, or the accuracy of the information?
Even if known liar HC or Donna Brazile told me a meteor was about to strike the US, I’m not gonna stand around bc I distrust the source, you can bet- I’m gonna find out if it’s true!
Which brings me to the weak attempts by Dems to convince us to ignore truths being revealed by WLks- ‘bc they were unfairly obtained.’ – Tears well up in my eyes.
Dems want us to ignore the ems bc they claim Russia’s supplying. So the hell what? Even giving Dems benefit of doubt, Rus didn’t create ems, they just hacked ‘um & gave them to us
I don’t know the real source. I DO know Dems don’t contest their accuracy. They don’t even go, ‘Nuh uh!’ when confronted. They just throw up ‘Jazz Hands’ & shout, ‘RUSSIA!’ – Like that matters. Just how stupid do we are they think?
The Bible has 66 books. Subtract your age from 66, & add 50 – that’s the year you were born.
Speaking of witches, shame on you DonBrazile for dragging Christ’s Holy Name thru the mud when you invoked your so-called Christianity while lying to MegKelly about giving Clinton camp questions. You’re not only a liar, you support the murder/dismemberment of babies. WWJD? You may sit in a pew on Sunday, but that doesn’t make you a Christian.
“Unethical” is giving the likes of this creep a pass.
Words like corrupt, unscrupulous, cheating, dirt-dealing, dishonorable, disreputable, fake, mercenary, shady and underhanded are more fitting for him, for they perfectly fit the creeps that fund him.
Clinton’s campaign is in real peril and with it the Dem’s grip on power so of course they are lashing out in a desperate attempt to win. This current nastiness is going to last right up to the election and should they lose expect them to cry foul during the entirety of Trump’s presidency, much like they did and still do with Bush.
It appears Gollum is afraid he is going to lose his grasp on the precious.
What a vile, despicable ugly man. In so many ways.
I read an article somewhere out there, that James Carville is buddies with Alex Karp, CEO of Palantir Technologies. Karp, for unfathomable reasons, supports Hillary. Peter Thiel (a founder of PayPal) is also a co-founder of Palantir.
Palantir makes software that can help locate hackers, among other things. It’s claimed -not by Palantir – that its software helped find Bin Laden. And Palantir admits it helped the find the Dalia Lama’s email hackers a few years ago. Karp consistently says they do philanthropic work for no charge. So if Carville really wanted to know, I think Karp would offer a helping hand.
I don’t think Carville really wants to KNOW; he just wants to accuse and let it hang out there. Carville is nothing but a hack. And Karp’s thinking on Hillary is a mystery, other than his parents were libs and he doesn’t seem to have left that farm team.
Palantir Technologies.
VERY apropos.
I wonder what Alex Karp now sees in his crystal ball.
I’ll say he’s lost it.
KGB? That’s so last century. Still, maybe it’s best we don’t tell him it’s FSB now.
The Serpent Head merely took out one of his rants from the 90s during the Lewinsky scandal, changed a few names here and there, and delivered it again. Change FBI to Ken Starr and KGB to Right-Wing conspiracy and there it is.
I expect that when James Carville comes out to defend the Clintons, then the FBI must have them dead-to-rights.
Pretty soon we’ll hear the dollar bill metaphor again.
Great picture!
The more unspinnable scandals become, the crazier surrogates will sound. Carville bears a striking resemblance to Lord Voldemort.
Lord Voldemort would be offended by that comparison.
Does Carville shed his skin every year like other snakes?
Is that old mule still on the Clinton payroll?
KGB? Who’s he been talking to lately, Mitt Romney?
He’s just padding his resume. He’s the nastiets Dem cheerleader, now he’s the craziest.
Dems are more likely to believe in astrology, UFOs, Truther conspiracies, man-made global warming, and psychics. Carville is playing to their strength on this one.
How this guy stays out of jail or a psych ward is beyond comprehension.
What’s funny to me is that this guy is still effective doing what he does.
He didn’t “lose it”. He was on message…the one he went there to put out. He used the KGB because that’s what people could associate with, and because it’s MORE evil than anything short of the Sith in popular culture.
He had two narratives to establish:
1. there’s no hypocrisy in Deemocrates going from praising Comey to trashing Comey because Keynes and “unprecedented”, and
2. our democracy is in peril because Comey did what House Republicans demanded, and they are working with the KGB.
Now, of course this is essentially nuts, but so are most successful Deemocrat narratives. When has that been a bar?
Carville did…again…what he is known for and paid well to do.
Absolutely dead spot on. Carville is to Politics what Flares/Chaff/Jamming are to Military Aircraft. His job is to make false targets and obscure the ability of the enemy to engage by screaming out the most inane things imaginable and linking them to conspiracy theories, known fear-generating memes, and just undefendable outright lies. It’s impossible to debate and discredit his lies because all that does is give them more credibility.
And the scary part is there’s a certain fragment of the electorate who *believes* him, and a somewhat larger fragment who don’t believe everything he says but believe him enough to move sheep-like in the direction he’s herding them.
The fact a tv network even interviewed this sick man shows the plight of our country. God help us.
How about the fact that just about every tv network – and every other type of media outlet – spent the last 8 eight years wiping the ass of an incompetent fraud in the White House every time he crapped himself?
It’s worth pointing out that Ted Kennedy asked the KGB to help Mondale win in 2004.
Sorry, 1984, of course.
There is a clever joke in there somewhere about the evil dead re-animating, I am sure.
If your candidate has become a political boogeyman, well, you have to provide a bigger, scarier boogeyman to take the heat off your now ‘minor’ boogeyman. Your new bigger boogeyman must be beyond your sudience’s capacity to check, so Carville goes with the Russian KGB. Grey aliens would also have worked, or maybe zombies.
It seems every time some Democrat is outed for illegal, immoral or unethical behavior they attack the messenger for some imagined bad action to distract from what the Democrat did. The first blatant instance of this I can remember was many years ago a republican aide found communications by Teddy Kennedy on an unsecured server (!) about delaying a vote on a SCOTUS nomination because that judge might vote against the outcome he wanted. Kennedy made a huge deal about the aide “hacking” the server to read the emails, it being unethical and illegal, when all the aide did was browse the network and found a folder that did not have security permissions set. The media played up Kennedy’s accusations and ignored his manipulating a SCOTUS vote for this own purposes.
This has been true since the Greeks “invented” politics. You always attack the messenger. You always smear the victim (or have your surrogates do it, which is much better).
You can see it in both the Deemocrat and T-rumpian campaigns.
Although, you may not want to admit it…
The democrats create victims and you swallow; hook, line, and sinker.
Although, you may not want to admit it…
If by Comey, the FBI, and the GOP, he means the Democrat Party.
Our government has missed a chance to make a good friend by treating Russia like the USSR. We won the cold war thanks to Reagan and unlike WWII we did nothing to help them transition to a regular country.Making them the boogie man in the world is insane when the clear threat to western civilization is muslim migration as invasion with lunatic world wide socialist complicity.
“…and unlike WWII we did nothing to help them transition to a regular country.”
Horseshit. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Rags: “Horseshit. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Perfect example. This is the best response your “sharply trained legal mind” can muster? Where the frack did you go to law school?
You attack the person, give zero argument to back your position, and then whine that you are being “trolled” when people return the favor.
Up your game.
Threats from Russia and from certain Muslim-run countries are not mutually exclusive – they can and do both exist.
Reagan bested Moscow financially, not militarily, and you may rest assured that, having precipitated the final fall of the USSR, Russia had no interest in the US helping them transition to a ‘regular’ country. Few in the west consider Russia ‘the’ global boogeyman, as if they were the only, but most in the west include them in the set of trouble-making countries: Russia, North Korea, China, Iran, the Palestinians, California, etc., and so on.
Bill had sunk a lot of dough into that enterprise.
Our national budget has become something resembling a leaky water pipeline in a homeowner’s yard. Over time, tree and bush roots will seek out the water, and if left to their own devices, will destroy the pipe.
I am not young enough to believe that we will get rid of corruption in our system for once and for all, but I do believe we can and should prune back a lot of luxuriant, barely-hidden growth.
To continue the analogy, DJT might operate like a backhoe for us: drastic, noisy, messy, and possibly essential to get the job done, at this juncture.
He should be called “Baghdad Bob” due to the poor way he’s attempting to deflect the story.
I’ve always found Carville weirdly amusing in a Baghdad Bob sort of way. In Bob’s defense, he had a gun to his head when he was spouting his nonsense. Carville does it out of loyalty, which makes him far creepier.
When you’re trying to move goods of … ahhh, questionable quality … you hire a used car salesman. That’s why the Dems have deployed Gollum Lite. Nothing irrational about it; in their current situation, they don’t have too many options.
Nosferatu hasn’t had his first virgin blood of the day so he’s crabby & irrational.
And it is all being coordinated by the Illumanati, who take their orders from the lizard people of Neptune.
In fact, U.S. intelligence, as well as independent cyber-sleuths, have tied the DNC email hacks to Russia. It is a direct attack on U.S. citizens, and the electoral process.
And, coincidentally, that “direct attack” consists entirely of revealing accurate and complete emails between Democratic campaign operatives, the press, senior officials of the current administration, and various hangers-on of the Clinton machine. And even more coincidentally, said accurate revelations make said vermin look bad and have not, to this point, been countered with any accurate, complete alternative explanation for said loathsome appearances. It’s a diabolical Russian plot indeed.
Nonetheless, they are private emails, protected by law. You are being played. Everyone should decry the attempt by a foreign power to disrupt the U.S. election.
“You are being played. Everyone should decry the attempt by a foreign power to disrupt the U.S. election.”
No, if we are being “played”, its by our own MSM.
Consider that every major scandal this year has been the result of either leaks, hacks or FOIA requests.
The Russians are like the French in the Revolutionary War – they are helping the revolt against the Establishment. Sure, their reasons are selfish, but they are still spotlighting the corruption of our political class.
Did we tell the French to take their ships and sod off?
Fen: The Russians are like the French in the Revolutionary War – they are helping the revolt against the Establishment.
Just so we’re clear on that. You are advocating Russian interference in U.S. elections.
“In fact, U.S. intelligence, as well as independent cyber-sleuths, have tied the DNC email hacks to Russia.”
In other words, the DNC says so. Which is all you have since there is zero evidence of anything else. Some may be believe it to be true based upon certain “signatures”, but everyone else knows the signatures and how to generate them.
We simply don’t know how the truthful information about the Clinton crime syndicate has been generated, or why. We only know the truth, the Clintons and everyone around them are criminals.
Barry: In other words, the DNC says so.
No. Multiple U.S. intelligence agencies and independent organizations.
How is that bridge you bought in Brooklyn?
You’ll believe in anything servicing your god Hillary.
Joint Statement from the Department of Homeland Security
and Office of the Director of National Intelligence
on Election Security: “The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations… These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process… We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”
“Joint Statement from the Department of
Homeland SecurityHillary for President”“The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident…”
“We believe…”,
“could have authorized these activities.”
“Confident, believe, could have” Short on evidence, long on political spin.
How’s that bridge working out?
Barry: Short on evidence, long on political spin.
Not only does the U.S. government claim to have evidence of Russian involvement, but their finding is supported by a number of cybersecurity researchers, including CitizenLab and CrowdStrike. You can wave your hands, but it doesn’t make the evidence go away, nor have you provided any contrary evidence.
You poor deluded fool, you’ve provided no evidence of the “Russian” hacking, just statements from corrupt government shrillary supporters.
Have the Russians hacked your shrillary? Absolutely, a 3rd grader with a computer could do it with one hand tied behind their back. According to the latest information. At least five (5) foreign governments hacked shrillary. Which leaves your pathetic attempts to equate trump with putin out in the cold.
Contrary evidence? No, impossible to prove a negative.
Shrillary is going to jail. The incompetent crook can’t even hire a decent security group to protect their criminal activity.
Barry: you’ve provided no evidence of the “Russian” hacking, just statements from corrupt government shrillary supporters.
As well as corroboration from independent cyber-organizations. Of course they could be wrong, but we have provided substantially more evidence than you saying “Is not!”
poor baby. Just as dumb as most commies. I’ve not said the hacking didn’t occur, or that the Russians didn’t hack the Clintons, dnc, podesta, et all. of course they have. A 3rd grader could given the pathetic inability of that whole gang to do anything right.
Now, who is leaking? No fucking proof. As I said “We simply don’t know how the truthful information about the Clinton crime syndicate has been generated, or why. We only know the truth, the Clintons and everyone around them are criminals.”
She’s going to jail. Perhaps you can join her there.
Barry: I’ve not said the hacking didn’t occur, or that the Russians didn’t hack the Clintons, dnc, podesta, et all.
Z: In fact, U.S. intelligence, as well as independent cyber-sleuths, have tied the DNC email hacks to Russia.”
B: In other words, the DNC says so.
Z: No. Multiple U.S. intelligence agencies and independent organizations.
B: How is that bridge you bought in Brooklyn?
B: you’ve provided no evidence of the “Russian” hacking, just statements from corrupt government shrillary supporters.
Z: As well as corroboration from independent cyber-organizations. Of course they could be wrong, but we have provided substantially more evidence than you saying “Is not!”
“Democratic strategist James Carville has completely lost his mind”
No, he hasn’t. He is doing this for a deliberate reason.
Most likely, he is trying to shift the window by pushing the envelope, thereby giving Dem surrogates more maneuver space to spin about the Russian hacks. His “insanity” now makes them look more moderate and reasonable in comparison. It plays on human nature – our need to appear “reasonable” by compromising and meeting the other side halfway.
Here’s an example of what I mean:
Joe Public: Hillary is so 100% corrupt
Radical Dem: No, she is completely innocent, 0% corrupt
Joe Public: That’s an outrageous comment!
Moderate Dem: Well, maybe she is just 25% corrupt
Joe Public: Hmmm. Okay, I’ll grant that maybe she is 50% corrupt
You would vote for somebody who is even only 1 % corrupt ?
She killed 4 people, but I am sure that there are another 396 people that she allowed to live, so that’s ok.
Luapious: She killed 4 people
Presumably, you are referring to Benghazi!™
Mistakes were made in Benghazi!™, but that doesn’t mean Clinton intentionally killed four people, any more than Reagan intentionally killed 241 U.S. Marines and 58 French peacekeepers in Lebanon because of ill-considered policies.
Of course Kremlin has a favorite in this race. Anyone who pays attention to Russian media will tell you that. That Americans don’t give a s@@@ tells you something about the provincial mentality here.
Is that you Hillary?
This is comrade Putin. Listen, there’s plenty more deals to be made like the one we made with you to get the uranium. After the election I’ll have some more donations made to your “foundation”, then we can talk about the nuclear codes you promised me.
Oh, and tell comrade Podesta hello. We have some interesting investments for him.
And Kremlin still prefers Trump.
There’s a strange insistence here on attributing a Putin preference to one side or the other.
Putin is VERY capable of playing both sides. The advantages are obvious.
This is not an exercise in deduction (Putin is capable of play both and therefore has no preference).
Kremlin’s preference for Trump is observable. Anyone who watches Russian media can tell you that. Trump is exactly the kind of character KGB (sorry, FSB) likes to deal with. Putin already knows Clinton, and his success with the yuppie girl had been limited. He clearly thinks that Trump, on the other hand, he can manipulate. Remember, Putin’s goal is not to buy a little uranium here or there. He is far more ambitious, his goal is to run the world from Moscow.
“Putin already knows Clinton, and his success with the yuppie girl had been limited.”
LOL. I know it’s lost on a declared Hillary supporter, but he has zero success with Trump. Your characterization of his success with the Clinton crime syndicate is, of course, pure bullshit. kooky in fact.
Putin has already bought and paid for shrillary. That is a simple fact. Undeniable.
Don’t worry Serpenthead, there will be plenty of orange fabric for your prison jumpsuit, too.
Seems like they are all going “Full Retard” in these last few days, including our dear leader with the recent KKK allegation. This when Hillz had KKK wizard Robert Byrd for a mentor.
Advice from Tropical Thunder: Never go Full Retard.