A California high school history teacher taught his students that Trump’s rise to power is similar to Hitler’s and, according to one student, required that students find and read racist quotes from Trump aloud in the classroom.
Frank Navarro, a history and special education teacher at Mountain View High School, was asked to leave during school hours on Thursday after the administration received an email from a parent concerned about statements he made in class, the Mercury News reported.Navarro, who has taught at the school for 40 years, told the Mercury News that his lesson plan was based on historical fact and that Hitler’s persecution of Jews and rise to power has “remarkable parallels” to the president-elect’s statements about Latinos, Muslims and African Americans during his bid for the presidency.. . . . In an interview with Mountain View High School’s student newspaper, the Oracle, Navarro said he made connections between Trump and Hitler but did not equate them.A senior in Navarro’s Civics and Economics class told the Oracle that Navarro asked students to find racist quotes from Trump and read them aloud.“I do agree with some of [Trump’s] policies, and when I try to talk about it, [Navarro] just told me to shut up or said something super rude,” the student told the Oracle.Navarro denied telling any students to shut up.
He’ll be back in the classroom, according to the LA Times, on Wednesday, though it could be as soon as Monday.