Emerson College Bans the Word 'Anchorman'
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Emerson College Bans the Word ‘Anchorman’ After Honoring the Star of… Anchorman

Emerson College Bans the Word ‘Anchorman’ After Honoring the Star of… Anchorman

Double standard much?

Anchorman is funny when it’s a movie by Will Ferrell but a sexist term when the little people use it. That seems to be the new rule at Emerson College.

The College Fix reports:

College that renamed communication school after Ron Burgundy now forbids saying ‘anchorman’

Most universities just give celebrities honorary degrees, but three years ago, Emerson College actually renamed its School of Communication after the mustachioed blowhard Ron Burgundy from the Anchorman movies.

The occasion was an appearance by actor Will Ferrell as his Burgundy character to promote the second installment of the series. (Emerson also offers a comedy minor.)

Some things have changed since then – the School of Communication is no longer prefixed by Burgundy (it was a one-day stunt), and Emerson College now has no tolerance for the word “anchorman.”

Campus Reform reports that the school’s Guidelines for Inclusive Language now forbid the use of “anchorman” among many other “man” constructions:

Community members should avoid using language that is insensitive to cultural differences or that excludes or offends any group of people (based on their ability/disability, age, ethnicity and race, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation, etc.). Ask yourself whether it is appropriate to your communication to share a particular fact about a person (pertaining to social identity, e.g., age, ethnicity). In some circumstances, a person’s or group’s social identity will be irrelevant to what you are communicating, while in other circumstances it will be a very important part of the context.

Featured image is a screen cap.


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