CNN’s Amanpour, Toobin in meltdown over SCOTUS prospects
The agony of defeat.
I can’t get enough of these videos. The collective freak out is entertaining.
Via NewsBusters:
By Wednesday morning, the on-air, online, and print meltdowns by liberal media types were exploding at an exponential rate with CNN’s New Day facilitating a few as senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin shrieked at the idea of conservatives on the Supreme Court while chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour lost it over “far-right” European figures being “eager and jubilant” about President-Elect Donald Trump….
“That means limitations on gay rights. That means an end to affirmative action. It means less rights for immigrants, that easier deportations and this is, you know, what he ran on. It means a criminal prosecution of Hillary Clinton and I think all these things are going to happen because this is the core of what he promised,” agonized Toobin.
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William A. Jacobson
I can’t get enough of these videos. The collective freak out is entertaining.
I second this emotion. It’s been glorious.
We really, really need an edit function. Enjoy this short video.
♫ The Sound of Hillary Supporters ♫
Less rights for illegal immigrants.
Wait, wait, wait? Question for Mr. Toobin, when did politicians start keeping their campaign promises? Cause I missed that one.
Here’s the funny thing though, @Gremlin. Actions do speak louder than words. If there’s one thing I can say about the Trumpster, it’s that if he commits to doing something, you cn pretty much bank on the idea it shall get done — one way or another. If he actually brings that to the Oval Office with him, that will be radical change in and of itself.
There’s no arguing with that.
Well I think they are fearful of this sentence…welcome to the Supreme Court Justice Willet.
Okay, if I got cable, I would feel the same.