AG Giuliani? List of Trump’s Potential Cabinet Candidates

BuzzFeed has obtained a list of potential cabinet picks for President-elect Donald Trump’s administration. Sources told the publication no one has finalized the list and it may change.

But the list contains names of people who became loud vocal supporters of Trump, including Mayor Rudy Guiliani and former Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The list has fourteen departments and 41 names, but a few positions only include one possibility. For example, the list only has RNC Chairman Reince Priebus as the pick for Chief of Staff and EEOC Commissioner Victoria Lipnic for Secretary of Labor.

As BuzzFeed points out, each candidate has some experience in the department Trump has chosen for them.

Trump looks to be considering Gov. Chris Christie, who dropped out of the presidential race and immediately threw his support behind Trump, for Attorney General, Secretary of Commerce, or Homeland Security Secretary.

Dr. Ben Carson, another candidate who supported Trump after he dropped out, is listed under Secretary of Education or Secretary of Health & Human Services.

Secretary of State looks stable, with Trump considering former UN Ambassador John Bolton, Sen. Bob Corker, and Gingrich.

Department of the Interior has some very interesting choices, including former Alaska governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin. Others include Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin and former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer.

Milwaukee Police Department Sheriff David Clarke joins Christie as the only pick for Secretary of Homeland Security. Clarke is currently on his fourth term as Milwaukee’s sheriff. He rose to fame when he criticized the Black Lives Matter movement and became a vocal supporter of Trump. He caused a firestorm when he told residents that calling 911 sometimes was not worth it, which of course, the left attempted to twist his words and made it sound like it was okay to put yourself in danger.

However, he was simply pointing out that it takes awhile for help to arrive so he encouraged citizens to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights if police cannot make it to the scene quick enough.

Here is the full list, courtesy of BuzzFeed:

Attorney General:

Gov. Chris Christie
Attorney General Pam Bondi
Sen. Jeff Sessions
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Secretary of Commerce:

Former Nucor CEO Dan DiMicco
Businessman Lew Eisenberg
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee
Sen. David Perdue
Former Sen. Jim Talent

Agriculture Secretary:

Gov. Sam Brownback
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives CEO Chuck Conner
Gov. Dave Heineman
Texas Agricultural Commissioner Sid Miller
Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue

Secretary of Education:

Ben Carson
Hoover Institution fellow William Evers
Secretary of Energy:
Venture Capitalist Robert Grady
Businessman Harold Hamm

Secretary of Health and Human Services:

Former New Jersey state Sen. Rich Bagger
Ben Carson
Newt Gingrich
Gov. Rick Scott

Secretary of Homeland Security:

Sheriff David Clarke

Secretary of the Interior:

Gov. Jan Brewer
Gov. Mary Fallin
Oil Executive Forrest Lucas
Rep. Cynthia Lummis
Former Gov. Sarah Palin

Secretary of Defense:

Former Gen. Mike Flynn
Stephen Hadley
Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr.
Former Sen. Jim Talent

Secretary of State:

John Bolton
Sen. Bob Corker

Treasury Secretary:

Rep. Jeb Hensarling
Businessman Carl Icahn
Banker Steven Mnuchin

Chief of Staff:

Reince Priebus

Director of Office of Management and Budget:


Secretary of Labor:

EEOC Commissioner Victoria Lipnic

Veterans Affairs:

Rep. Jeff Miller

White House Counsel:

Donald McGahn

Tags: 2016 Election, Donald Trump