I’m baaaaack! Sort of. Kind of. Partially, anyway.
I’m covered in spit up, am pretty sure there’s more dry shampoo than hair on my head, am not entirely sure when I last showered, have dark circles not even the heaviest of concealers could conquer, our home is a certifiable disaster area, and dishes? we’ve moved to paper dining ware (usually I’d feel morally obligated to stick to more eco-friendly methods, but I really don’t care right now). I’ve done more laundry in the last two weeks than I’ve probably done all year prior and I couldn’t be happier.
I’ve spent the last two weeks welcoming the newest addition to our family — Klara Cadence. She was born September 30. I’m slowly easing my way back into blogging as I learn to manage both the blog and one seriously adorable baby.
YUGE thanks to the LI family for pulling extra weight while I’ve been figuring out this whole baby thing and as I continue to do so.
It took us almost two full days to get her here, but it was worth every minute. Baby K had a rough start, but has been a little trooper from the get go. She seems to be doing quite well now. For that, we’re abundantly thankful.
Professor Jacobson asked me if I remember life before her. I do, but it seems inconsequential to life with her. I didn’t think I could love my husband or my step-daughter more until Klara arrived to prove me wrong. I suspect this is only beginning of a life-long trend. Klara makes our family complete, though I never felt it lacking before. My heart keeps swelling over the miracle of life and in particular, our daughter.
My husband is an amazing man. This cannot be said enough. I’ll spare you the mushy details, but I’ve never been more grateful that I get to do life with Jeff. He’s been a lifesaver (in the most literal of senses), is my consummate plumb line, and a most excellent Daddy. He’s also hot.
Our friends and family (including the LI family) have been wonderful, and we’re so thankful for each and everyone of you who’s taken the time to wish us well or say a prayer for our little family.
If my short tenure in parenthood has taught me anything, it’s to embrace the chaos — a life lesson apropos for the current election cycle.
For the first time in my politically involved life, I’m not directly involved in any campaign or interest group during an election cycle. I’m not sorry about that this year. Not one bit. Tuning out the news and everything outside of our baby bubble these last two weeks has been a-mazing, but life rolls on whether we choose to participate or not, and I’m ready to get back to blogging and sharing my thoughts with you.
Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye