VIDEO: Florida Man waves American Flag during Hurricane Matthew

You may remember Lane Pittman, the Jacksonville-area rocker whose July 4, 2015 guitar riff of the Star Spangled Banner got him in hot water with the cops, Florida man arrested for playing Star Spangled Banner on 4th of July rejects plea deal:

The video of the performance received over 320,000 views on YouTube.

Things turned out okay for Lane, as the charges were dropped and he became something of a legend, as I recounted in my post over a year later, Update: Remember Florida rocker charged for playing national anthem on July 4?

It looks like Lane has an even bigger hit than his Star Spangled Banner performance, and it’s probably not going to get him in trouble with the police.

During Hurricane Matthew, lane went into the street to raise the flag high, as he documented on Facebook:

In just over 3 hours the Facebook video had over 900,000 views.

Tags: Florida