Dem Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee denounces “Wikipedia” email leaks
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Dem Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee denounces “Wikipedia” email leaks

Dem Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee denounces “Wikipedia” email leaks

Never stop being you, Congresswoman Lee, never stop.

“I’m going to first of all denounce the utilization of this intrusion by WIKIPEDIA through the Russian intrusion”


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And this ignorant rube has a say in decisions that affect all of us.
So hard to keep the faith. So hard.

Hopefully someday she will work her way up to moron, but it won’t be soon.

The Friendly Grizzly | October 22, 2016 at 6:36 pm

She has her office for life if her constituents so choose.

The one who will skate on thin ice, unless she retires, is Maxine Waters. Her district is being ethnically cleansed by the Hispanics.

Does Democrat ignorance know no bounds? This would be funny if it weren’t so distressing.

Truth is always the enemy to the person it exposes. Whatever happened to the “seriousness of the accusations” criteria so loved by the Dems?

How sad that Jackson Lee represents the best and brightest of her people.

Mark Finkelstein | October 28, 2016 at 8:13 am

To the moon, Alice!