College Student Binge Drinking is Causing ‘Drunkorexia’

A growing number of college students are skipping meals if they plan to drink due to fear of taking in too many calories. This is leading to a phenomenon known as Drunkorexia.

NBC News reports:

College Students Say ‘Drunkorexia’ Is More Than a BuzzwordA growing number of college are banning hard liquor on campus in a move to curb extreme drinking — but students are still getting their party on, and some are adding an extra element of risk to their binges.A group of young people from the Chicago area spoke to NBC News, for TODAY’s Campus Undercovered series, about the phenomenon dubbed “drunkorexia.””If I knew that I was going to be drinking at night, then I would not eat beforehand because of the calories,” one student named Alyson said.Another student, Jenn, added, “I almost died last year… I was hospitalized for three weeks.'”University of Houston Professor Dipali Rinker said in a study of 1,200 students, he found up to 80 percent were restricting calories, overexercising, purging or using laxatives in combination with binge drinking.

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