Beverly Eckert was on the phone with her husband when the twin tower where he worked collapsed. She shared her story about those final minutes speaking with her husband.
That last conversation changed her life.
Hold you love ones a little tighter. Be generous with love. And never pass up an opportunity to tell others how much they mean to you. Life is far too short and tomorrow is never a guarantee.
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Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad. As the Twin Towers crumbled, so too, as a child, did the life I knew come to an end. So, perhaps, in some small way I can relate to those who world was for ever changed on that horrific day.
One never forgets. One can think that peace has come until all of a sudden something ushers forth a memory that is gut-wrenching.
Love is truly the only consolation and comfort. What a blessing for Beverly Eckert that she heard and knew of her husband’s love to keep her that day and the ones that followed.
We pray for those who have passed from this life and for those who continue still.