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Was That Hillary’s ‘Get Me Out of Here’ Look at Press Event?

Was That Hillary’s ‘Get Me Out of Here’ Look at Press Event?

Why Did Hillary Glance Off-Stage Five Times in Just a Few Minutes?

Hillary managed to get through her speech in North Carolina today appearing reasonably well. But by the time she got to a short press availability afterwards, she seemed noticeably more tired.

And when she started to field some challenging questions about her secretive nature, including the fact that she had hidden her pneumonia diagnosis from her running mate Tim Kaine, she could be seen—no fewer than five times—glancing off stage, seeming none too pleased. We can’t be sure, but it seemed as if she were signalling to staff: get me out of here!

View the video and be the judge.


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I would call that a series of “speaking glances,” intended as a cue toward somebody.

Subotai Bahadur | September 15, 2016 at 6:45 pm

Probably to cue her staff to make sure that the questioner(s) take a late night walk in Fort Marcy Park.

“Is that Chinese takeout here yet?”

Perhaps the ear-bot on the left side was malfunctioning?

Still on the “power through” stuff.

Well, we learned one thing; she’s not able to “power through” her physical infirmities. And actually, all this talk about it is just braggadocio.

I think we suspected that already—Wonder Woman, she ain’t—but it’s good to have real evidence.

I wonder what’ll be the next thing she isn’t able to do.

Dang, and George H W Bush was excoriated for glancing at his watch just once.

That is not Hillary…….that actress doesn’t want to end up dead but she sure doesn’t like portraying Senator Clinton

How many Kirby’s died to for their pelts to make that horrible outfit?

legacyrepublican | September 15, 2016 at 9:16 pm

Probably checking to see if any reporter was about to throw a shoe at her.

    AmericaBeautiful in reply to legacyrepublican. | September 16, 2016 at 12:17 am

    Reporter? No. All reporters fawn over Granny Mao, whom they think will be their media mealticket. They must, or they will not be hired.
    More likely she targeted a human—uh, I mean a deplorable.

If looks could kill…..

This Woman does not have the saggy skin under her chin…
I have seen too many photo’s of Hillary to not have noticed.

Do I have to point out the obvious?
Bill!Huma! Stop that this instant!

Where is the horizontal scar on her neck ???? ( facelift , surgery on throat) .It was there last week

She didn’t seem able to look anybody – not to mention the camera – in the eye. Some lies are much harder than others.