Pre-Debate: Trump needs to convince people he’s not Hitler, Hillary needs to show she’s not Hillary

If I see one more story about what Trump/Hillary needs to do tonight, I’m going to ….

So really, what do Trump and Hillary need to do tonight?


Don’t take the bait. Mark Cuban and other attempts at trolling are meant to bait you. Just by being on stage with Hillary helps normalize you. Do something along the lines of Reagan’s “there she goes again” when Hillary barrages you. Who cares what the name is of the President of NoOnesEverHeardof-stan. You need to present yourself as a leader, someone who sees the big picture of Making America Great Again but leaving the implementation to people you hire (appoint/nominate), because that is how business leaders who live in the real world are successful. The media has convinced almost half the population you are Hitler. You need to prove you are not Hitler. It’s a low bar, try not to trip on it.


Stay vertical. Don’t come across as Nurse Ratchet. Don’t cackle. Reports say you are studying up for the debate like it is the Bar Exam. Wrong approach, that’s what people hate about you; if you come across as prosecutor and know-it-all, it will reinforce negatives that people already hold against you. This is not, contrary to media spin, about fact-checking and splaining. This is about leadership, likability, ‘merica. You need to convince America you are not the Hillary Clinton they have come to dislike. You have a higher bar than The Donald. Jump!

I’ll update this post throughout the day with news and spin.

Updates (by KK):

FiveThirtyEight posted a prediction shift:

Gee, could this be the reason for widespread media panic?

Appearances matter, apparently.

Hillary will use a custom lectern to help reduce the height difference between she and Trump:

With the first 2016 presidential debate just hours away, every aspect of the much-anticipated event is being analyzed and scrutinized. That includes Hillary Clinton’s customized lectern.Clinton’s podium at the the Hofstra University debate hall will feature a customized step stool to compensate for the 10-inch height advantage held by the 6-foot-3 Donald Trump, Fox News reported.


Tags: 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton