If you’re a parent who doesn’t want your child to smoke Marijuana in college, this a pretty good red flag.
CBS News in Pittsburgh reports:
Parents Complain Of ‘Contact High’ During Pa. College Tour
Student tour guides at a college outside Philadelphia say they have been told not to bring prospective students or their parents into a dormitory because it frequently smelled of marijuana.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Swarthmore College tour guides say administrators told them that parents complained of getting a “contact high” when passing through Willets dorm.
The tour guides told the school newspaper , The Daily Gazette, they were instructed during a summer training session to stop visiting the dorm, but say they did not receive any complaints from parents themselves.
School officials say there wasn’t a policy change. They say administrators made a “clarification” for tour guides. They say visiting the dorm added too much time to the tours so they’ve “streamlined” the route.

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Dave’s not home, man!
That must give those parents that are paying a good part of their assets to the college a great feeling. They will now know why in four years their children come out with less brain cells than when they went in. Plus no chance at meaningful employment opportunities.
For our colleges and universities to tolerate this kind of behavior is beyond ludicrous.
I know this is probably carrying coals to Newcastle, as the saying goes, but I thought LI might be interested in these two very recent posts of mine, one regarding Swarthmore and the other regarding an academic proponent of BDS, Ghassan Hage, a full professor at Melbourne University, Australia, whose refusal of an invitation to give the keynote address to Israeli anthropologists has been greeted with glee as something of a template for boycotting Israeli institutions: