WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech

Donald Trump is expected to deliver his much anticipated immigration speech at 9:00 EST tonight from Phoenix, Arizona. To watch his speech live, see the feed at the bottom of the post.

Trump spent the majority of the day in Mexico, meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto.

According to the New York Times, Mexicans accused President Peña Nieto of committing a ‘historic error’ by inviting Trump on their home turf.

Instead, the predominant feeling here in the Mexican capital is one of betrayal.“It’s a historic error,” said Enrique Krauze, a well-known historian. “You confront tyrants, you don’t appease them.”On Mexico’s most popular morning television show on Wednesday, a livid Mr. Krauze likened the president’s meeting with Mr. Trump to the decision by Neville Chamberlain, then the British prime minister, to sit down with Hitler in Munich in 1938.“It isn’t brave to meet in private with somebody who has insulted and denigrated” Mexicans, Mr. Krauze said. “It isn’t dignified to simply have a dialogue.”Yes, many Mexicans say, it was Mr. Trump who offended the people of Mexico with his disparaging comments about migrants and his promises to build a border wall paid for by Mexico.But for many Mexicans, the surprising invitation from Mr. Peña Nieto — who has likened Mr. Trump’s language to that of Hitler and Mussolini in the past — is even worse.Newspapers, television stations, social media and all manner of national communication were awash in vitriol at the idea of a meeting between the two men.

Discussions primarily concentrated on immigration and trade.

Naturally, curiosity about Trump’s much touted big, beautiful wall between the United States and Mexico graced the headlines. Trump indicated there was no discussion of his wall, while President Peña Nieto claims he started the discussion by telling Trump in no uncertain terms that Mexico would not pay for a wall.

Trump said they didn’t discuss who would pay for his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, despite his long-standing vow to compel Mexico to do so. He and Peña Nieto avoided direct confrontation in front of the cameras, airing their differences on immigration, border security and trade in cordial tones.But later, Peña Nieto tweeted: “At the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall.” The Trump campaign did not immediately comment on the conflicting accounts.Trump spokesman Jason Miller issued an opaque statement Wednesday evening saying the meeting “was not a negotiation. . . . It is unsurprising that they hold two different views on this issue, and we look forward to continuing the conversation.”The hastily arranged meeting, which Trump allies hoped would help the Republican nominee ease concerns among U.S. voters about his preparedness for the presidency, came only hours before a major speech on immigration Trump planned to deliver in Phoenix.

Did they talk about the wall or didn’t they? THE MEDIA WANTS TO KNOW. Might help if the Trump campaign’s communication and media response was somewhat unified:

Watch the livestream of Trump’s immigration speech here:

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Tags: 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Immigration