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Segregation Studies Week at College Insurrection

Segregation Studies Week at College Insurrection

Your weekly report from the world of higher education.

Why does it seem like we’re going backwards instead of forward?

This sort of thing is happening in other places too.

It’s like the left wants society to be divided.

This week’s lecture is brought to you by Prager University.

The old rivalry continues.

Compare and contrast.


Of course.

Read more campus news at College Insurrection.

Featured image is a screen cap.


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Yep. He’s just another Collectivist. As I’ve said for over a year.

If you doubt that, read the whole thing.

    Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | August 14, 2016 at 5:35 am

    Did the down-thumber read the piece? Or was just a reflexive act by a mindless boob?

    Let’s deal with the facts, jacks.

College in Illinois Defends Offering ‘Blacks Only’ Courses

Next up is separate but equal water fountains.

Praeger University: Can the government run the economy?

Well, technically yes, but not very well.

The question should be: Can the government ruin the economy?