Scarborough: Trump Staffers Say He Screams, Never Takes Blame
Mika: Sleep-Deprived Trump is ‘Losing It’
Some inside baseball from the Trump campaign . . . Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have known Donald Trump for years, and reportedly are in regular contact with members of his campaign staff. On today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough said that what: “every Donald Trump staffer will tell you is: he never, ever takes any of the blame himself. He always screams at staffers. That’s what is starting to happen now that the polls are going low.”
Meanwhile, Mika Brzezinski reported that Trump is exhausted, sleeping in “two-hour spurts,” and that as a result Trump is “losing it.” Do Joe and Mika have any sources inside Hillary’s campaign? Think Clinton might occasionally raise her voice? And if she isn’t sleep-deprived, what’s accounting for her physical and verbal stumbles? Short-circuit, anyone?
JOE SCARBOROUGH: The bitter truth for these [down-ballot] candidates is, not only does Donald Trump not care whether they win or lose, people in Trump’s own staff are starting to say, he’s going to lose, he’s going to blame us and he’s going to throw us overboard —
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: And they can’t help it because they don’t know what they’re doing —
JOE: — one thing every Donald Trump staffer will tell you is: he never, ever takes any of the blame himself. He always screams at staffers. That’s what is starting to happen now that the polls are going low.
MIKA: People getting kicked off the train.
JOE: Forget Ron Johnson, forget Mark Kirk, forget Kelly Ayotte, forget the Republican senators across America. Even Trump’s own staff is now awakening to the fact that he’s going to blame them for the stupid things he says and they’re going to be out of luck after the election.
. . .
JOE: So Mika, you and Bob [Costa, of the Washington Post] were talking in the break and you have a theory, and I think you’re dead on, for people that know Trump, about why he is getting even more erratic on the campaign trail. Especially at night.
MIKA: Well, from knowing him over time, this candidate is not the person that we knew. And I think he’s absolutely exhausted. I don’t think he’s slept. I don’t think he’s slept since he won the nomination and even before when he was starting to realize that he was going to win the nomination. I think he sleeps in, from what I’ve heard, two-hour spurts. And that takes a toll on the brain, in a very real way. It impacts your judgment, it impacts your mood, it impacts your ability to connect with people, it impacts your ability to obtain and take in and process information. I think he’s losing it.
JOE: And then most importantly, Bot, it impacts your decision making process.
BOB COSTA: About a year ago I suggested to Trump that he’s at his worst at times when he’s exhausted. He really balked at that suggestion and he said I’m so high energy. So I think this is how he sees himself. Always high energy, always on, even if he is tired.
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All of this Bull *hit is really getting very old.
Morning Joe is just a troll of both the democrats and the establishment republicans #NeverTrump.
Every morning we will hear a terrifying tale of how or why Trump is going to destroy the country. How he hates, go down the list. How he is so crazy and out of control. How he is working with Putin and Russia. How he wants Crooked Hillary removed by 2nd amendment supporters.
What is happening today with our “media” should scare you to death. Big money and very powerful people are not going to “let” Trump become president. He will be destroyed in this process. You can vote but the majority of people are being directed who to vote for.
Absolutely. Then you throw Twitter, Google, Instagram in the mix….(headline on Drudge this morning). Gaslighting on steroids.
Wait! Doesn’t Donald use, perhaps overuse, the social networks? I can only assume that he believes in their constant use and is not threatened by the natural instinct of social network users to be liberal.
As for “gaslighting,” the use of the psychological tactic begins and ends with narcissists, and that means to me that the fire-lighter is Donald Trump.
We need some proof that this is all BS. Your opinion as a dyed-in-the-wool Trumpster does not cut it. Sorry!
Screen name checks out.
So you think that it is ok for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Kerry, Bob Beckel, Joe Biden, and who knows how many other Democrats to make physical threats against their opponents, and it is not ok for Donald Trump to mention a group that is currently engaged in a huge lobbying effort?
Good to know.
Screams? Never takes blame? He must be Hillary’s wife. Runs in the family.
Mark, have you verified any of this with independent sources? It’s called “journalism”.
Holding: I’m a media-criticism blogger, not a reporter per se. I did not report that Trump screams, blames staff, etc. I simply described what Joe and Mika said. I also raised the issue of whether Joe and Mika have sources within Hillary’s campaign who would be able to indicate if she ever screams, etc.
The way she treats people around her I’d say that Huma hasn’t made her scream in a long time.
I understand you are reporting on what they are reporting. However, our take on your report depends on whether or not there is any substance to theirs.
So, is Trump having a nervous breakdown? Is it how he generally comes across? More importantly, doesTrump believe he can win at this point?
I know MSNBC has a bias, but do they really need to invent news in this election?
They have known Hillary longer than they have known Trump. Do they have insider knowledge regarding her sudden massive weight gain? Could it have something to do with her drinking problem? Alcohol does add on the pounds quickly.
As far as sleep problems go, Mika has admitted to using prescription drugs to overcome he insomnia. If lack of sleep causes a toll on the brain that might explain her divorce and her affair with Joe.
Just my opinion, but I think HRC is on prednisone for something. The side effects include weight gain, round moon face, unstable gait, brain fog….all applicable to her. And the longer a body is subjected to steroids, the more it breaks down.
Are you a doctor? Do you have access to some information that she is on Prednisone?
if not then please don’t speculate. There are a bunch of drugs and combinations of drugs that cause those side effects, and some might be from disease not drugs.
Did you read my comment ? I said ” in my opinion…” Meaning MY opinion which I’m entitled to.
I do have some experience with prednisone having been on the drug myself. I do recognize the side effects.
Again, this is my opinion, which is allowed & rampant on this site.
What? Does What does Morning Joe do EVERY morning slamming Trump?
“if not then please don’t speculate.”
Good lord. You plan to shut down every internet blog?
I think shrillary is an incompetent, mentally defective, criminal, and communist, with debilitating medical conditions and on multiple drugs.
There, some simple “speculation”, and all of it likely true.
It’s been at least a year since I first noticed her size. No doubt about it–she’s close to 200 pounds.
Morning Joe is carrying the anti-Trump water by engaging in a whisper campaign against Trump. These are all unsupported rumors which use unnamed “sources” in an attempt to undermine Trump’s credibility among potential voters. When the truth fails to convince….
Showboat Cruz has taken a massive hit regarding favorability. His unfavorable number is now in excess of 60%. That’s Clinton, Trump territory for those of you in San Angelo. His unfavorable number even among republicans is in the 50% range.
These numbers are in Texas folks.
Democrat Joaquin Castro could possibly beat him in a general election. Showboats unfavorability with Texans Hispanics is in the 75% range.
Apparently “principled conservatism” isn’t quite the sell some would have us believe.
Wow you’re still fixated on Cruz? Hey, skippy, how bout the latest Trumpbart poll in Georgia? I get it, it’s too painful to see the disaster that is your candidate. Better to deflect attention to his vanquished primary opponent.
so, is that your consolation prize? Turns out propaganda is often effective, surprise surprise.
Puuuuuurrrr, puuuuuuurrr conservative hating nutter. Can you peg the date when you lost you flucking mind…???
But what if its true? What if it becomes impossible to ignore?
That’s really funny. Dozens of Donald Trump’s current and former employees have gone on record over many years to say that while he has high expectations, he is a fair employer and decent to work for. I should think we would have heard about this LONG before now if this was the case.
You should really look up the various lawsuits from cheated contractors, suppliers, and former business associates, along with the several articles written by the same population that haven’t sued him, but were still cheated.
Rags knows full well there is another side to the story. What he calls “cheating” is often just the refusal to pay a sub that did not deliver, I.E., shoddy work, incomplete work, not on time. In the construction industry it happens frequently. That most of the trump subs were paid and paid on time tells you all you need to know.
You ever represented a cheated contractor, lying SOS?
I have, often. T=rump cheats. Often. Regularly. And BAD.
Ooh, the “lying sack of shit” term. Unpleasant and of course untrue. Since you can never produce a single lie I’ve told…
Of course, I did not say that no contractor was ever cheated. I’m quite certain many have been. What I said was that you know full well what goes on in this industry since you have stated you worked in it in the past. You know that subcontractors do not always live up to the requirements. Since Trump paid most all subs properly and on time, that leaves the possibility that the ones that were not failed to perform properly, or at least failed in the view of the general contractor. You have no evidence of anything beyond this.
Sputter, spit, TDS.
“What he calls “cheating” is often just the refusal to pay a sub that did not deliver, I.E., shoddy work, incomplete work, not on time. In the construction industry it happens frequently. That most of the trump subs were paid and paid on time tells you all you need to know.”
Where is your proof that Trump subs were paid in full and on time, other than Trump himself? If the subs he cheated did below standard work, why did he invite them back to do more work immediately after shorting them? Why does it state in his book “Art of the Deal” that he underpays contractors and tells them fighting it will cost them more than it’s worth, as an example of a good deal?
Have your read the book? Or are you just mischaracterizing something you read from some other source? Put up the quote and page number.
“You don’t reward failure by promoting those responsible for it, because all you get is more failure.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal
Of course Trump isn’t getting much sleep. He’s up all night communing with the Devil. Maybe even the entire pandemonium, him being a high energy guy, and all.
If Joe’s half the mover-and-shaker he thinks he is, he’ll be able to find some inside contacts who’ll spill the beans on that any day now.
Those two sure have a reliable source in the Clinton campaign feeding them this garbage.
All you #never T-rump losers can sure dish it out but you can’t take it. You’ve been tearing Trump down for a year now but get some reciprocity feedback on Canadian ShowBoat & you run to mommy with soaked boxers.
You’re like your champion, whiny, boring, losers used to throwing a tantrum so mommy puts a shot of old crow in your Bobbie.
So, you’re in favor of adding a half-trillion to the national debt as Mr. Establishment suggested yesterday…???
OR adding 16 trillion to the debt as “Der Donald’s” tax plan would add to the national debt?
Or is it you’re happy that the Great God Cheeto endorses John McAnus?
I find you T-rump suckers confusing. For good reason.
I find you #NevreTrump suckers confusing and unaware what is actually going on! 🙂
Common, Dense…
Answer the questions. I know you’re confused. But TRY to think.
“Answer the questions”
LOL. Did you beat your wife today? Answer the question.
You poor idiot. Those were not “did you beat your wife” questions.
They were plain questions about T-rump statements/actions.
But you’ll lie about anything, as we’ve all seen.
“Those were not “did you beat your wife” questions.”
Of course they are.
Back to the old liar meme I see.
Find any lie I have told and post it.
By the way, have you ever voted for a candidate that endorsed John McCanus?
So, you’re in favor of adding a half-trillion to the national debt as Mr. Establishment suggested yesterday…???
Did T-rump say that? Yes or no.
Are you in favor of it? Yes or no.
Funny, I am unable to find any source of Trump saying his plan would raise the debt. But then, you said “suggested”, meaning he didn’t say it, you just imagine it. Just because.
“Conservative tax rating outfit”. Are they sorta like you nevertrumpers, faux conservatives?
Demanding answers, yet you will not answer the simple question – Have you ever voted for someone that endorsed John Mcanus?
But hey, I’m certain you prefer the shrillary tax plan. It is the alternative.
There you go, asshole. From his own stupid lips.
Back to name calling I see. Goes along with “lies”. Seems you cannot comment without the word liar or asshole passing your lips/keyboard.
I listened and didn’t hear what you said he suggested, only that with interest rates so low “this is the time to borrow”. All hypothetical of course. There is no president that is going to be elected, including your St. Cruz, that will get government spending below the revenue stream in the first few years.
You haven’t answered the question.
“So, you’re in favor of adding a half-trillion to the national debt as Mr. Establishment suggested yesterday…???
Did T-rump say that? Yes or no.”
No, not in your video. Want to try again? Maybe he said it, but I am unable to find it. Did you just dream it up?
OR adding 16 trillion to the debt as “Der Donald’s” tax plan would add to the national debt?
Did the only conservative tax rating outfit return those numbers?
Yes or no.
Did T-rump…who blows the Establishment…endorse John McAnus?
Yes or no.
Did Q. P. sexually abuse a Mormon sponsored Cub Scout troop?
Yes or no. Word is Glen Beck acted as pivot man & set it up.
Spin. Spin. Spin.
Hillary’s plan is sooo much better? I understand voting for your principles. Nonetheless, a vote against Trump is a vote for Hillary. I knew last time around that a vote against Romney was a vote for Obama. I thought Romney was weak where he should have been strong. I knew it would be status quo at best. I voted for him anyways.
Imagine hateful hillery with her finger on the nuclear button.
Now imagine someone saying NO to donating the clinton crime fund know as the bill, hateful hillery, chelsea foundation.
Next thing you’d see is a mushroom cloud.
So, in other words, Trump behaves like a typical BSD 1%er “born-on-home-plate-thinks-he-hit-a-home-run” MBA CEO Manager. No surprise there. I’m just surprised that you people aren’t worshiping him merely because he’s rich.