Scarborough: Sources Tell Me #NeverTrump Republicans Will Launch Independent Candidate Today

On today’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough said that “I had multiple sources last night telling me that an independent with the backing of a lot of Republican money is going to launch today.” None of the other panelists, including the well-connected Mark Halperin, had heard that.

Scarborough continued: “several good sources told me that people, Republicans from, let’s just say #NeverTrump land found somebody and they’re going to put good money behind him.” Scarborough said it would be someone “French-like,” i.e., like National Review author David French whose name was floated not long ago before withdrawing.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: I had multiple sources last night telling me that an independent with the backing of a lot of Republican money is going to launch today. You guys heard that? You heard that Mark Halperin?MARK HALPERIN: Nope.JOE: I could be wrong at 7:04, but several good sources told me that people, Republicans from, let’s just say #NeverTrump land found somebody and they’re going to put good money behind him.HALPERIN: The return of David French?JOE: No.HALPERIN: Bigger than French?JEREMY PETERS: Tom Coburn?JOE: This is French 2.0. Someone like, I mean, I think it will be in that realm. But, somebody — somebody like. Somebody French-like. But, anyway, that would, I think, again, make matters worse.HALPERIN: It’s going to be hard to get on the ballot.MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, there are some difficulties at this point. They’re stuck with Trump to an extent, are they not?JOE: Well, you can get on ballots for up to 300 electoral votes.HALPERIN: And you can try to bring lawsuits to the other places.JOE: You bring lawsuits in the other places. And at this point the people that are talking about funding this are more interested in Trump losing than electing their candidate.HALPERIN: And giving Republicans who are running for other offices someone to say they’re voting for who is not Hillary Clinton.JOE: Right. We’ll see how my sources are. They were impeccable the other day. But anyway, go ahead.

Tags: Donald Trump, Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe