Scarborough: Sources Tell Me #NeverTrump Republicans Will Launch Independent Candidate Today
Goal Not to Win But to Give Other Republicans Someone to Vote for Other than Hillary?

On today’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough said that “I had multiple sources last night telling me that an independent with the backing of a lot of Republican money is going to launch today.” None of the other panelists, including the well-connected Mark Halperin, had heard that.
Scarborough continued: “several good sources told me that people, Republicans from, let’s just say #NeverTrump land found somebody and they’re going to put good money behind him.” Scarborough said it would be someone “French-like,” i.e., like National Review author David French whose name was floated not long ago before withdrawing.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: I had multiple sources last night telling me that an independent with the backing of a lot of Republican money is going to launch today. You guys heard that? You heard that Mark Halperin?
JOE: I could be wrong at 7:04, but several good sources told me that people, Republicans from, let’s just say #NeverTrump land found somebody and they’re going to put good money behind him.
HALPERIN: The return of David French?
JOE: No.
HALPERIN: Bigger than French?
JOE: This is French 2.0. Someone like, I mean, I think it will be in that realm. But, somebody — somebody like. Somebody French-like. But, anyway, that would, I think, again, make matters worse.
HALPERIN: It’s going to be hard to get on the ballot.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, there are some difficulties at this point. They’re stuck with Trump to an extent, are they not?
JOE: Well, you can get on ballots for up to 300 electoral votes.
HALPERIN: And you can try to bring lawsuits to the other places.
JOE: You bring lawsuits in the other places. And at this point the people that are talking about funding this are more interested in Trump losing than electing their candidate.
HALPERIN: And giving Republicans who are running for other offices someone to say they’re voting for who is not Hillary Clinton.
JOE: Right. We’ll see how my sources are. They were impeccable the other day. But anyway, go ahead.

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Somebody really wants Hillary to win.
Yep, and that “someone” would be the GOPe. They’d rather preserve their status under Hillary. It’s much like how the Roman senators bought their preservation when the Ostrogoths rolled into Italy. It’s too much trouble to remain loyal.
They’re with Her.
There are people in the GOP who are trying to save the brand. They need to…
T-rump steps in a FRACKING mess…
In Colorado this week, the Republican nominee for president backed the language of an anti-fracking ballot measure under consideration, catching activists on both sides of the energy fight by surprise.
When reporter Brandon Rittiman asked Trump about the measures during his recent swing through Colorado Springs, Trump’s characteristically off-the-cuff answer put him on the side of environmental activists funded by prominent liberals Jared Polis and billionaire Tom Steyer who want to change the state constitution to allow municipalities to ban oil and gas exploration.
“Well, I’m in favor of fracking, but I think that voters should have a big say in it,” Trump told Rittiman. “I mean, there’s some areas, maybe, they don’t want to have fracking. And I think if the voters are voting for it, that’s up to them… If a municipality or a state wants to ban fracking, I can understand that.”
This quote
“Well, I’m in favor of fracking, but I think that voters should have a big say in it,” Trump told Rittiman. “I mean, there’s some areas, maybe, they don’t want to have fracking. And I think if the voters are voting for it, that’s up to them… If a municipality or a state wants to ban fracking, I can understand that.”
does not support this conclusion.
“In Colorado this week, the Republican nominee for president backed the language of an anti-fracking ballot measure under consideration, catching activists on both sides of the energy fight by surprise.”
Was there something else?
Rags: “There are people in the GOP who are trying to save the brand. They need to…”
Yes and those people are more than willing to destroy the country with a Hillary Presidency and a Hillary Supreme Court to do it. But hey at least the never can get elected to presidency GOP brand will be in tact.
Then on the other hand, there are many more in the GOP who think the GOP brand has been destroyed by the GOPe and support the only outsider candidate, TRUMP, to save the GOP from its otherwise inevitable demise and destruction.
The “outsider” whose campaign just endorsed EVERY incumbent, including John McAnus…???
Yep. T-rump is blowing up the GOPe. Like a party doll.
I suspect Joe is having a short circuit (since that’s a “thing” now).
If they just want a Not Trump candidate and a Not Hillary candidate, they already have two.
Of course neither are nominal Republicans. But any new pseudo-contender won’t be, either. The Convention has already chosen Trump as the Republican candidate, and the anti-Trumps can’t change that.
“If they just want a Not Trump candidate and a Not Hillary candidate, they already have two.”
Exactly. It appears that we want something else, even if the candidate is not a nominal Republican.
Just who is this “we”?
You’ve already outed yourself as a Hillary supporter.
Oh sure. I would prefer the Hillary presidency. I never said I will vote for her, however.
Trump may go back and forth on some issues but I doubt he will on illegal immigration and the 2d amendment. Let Hillary win the election by “voting your conscience” and her Supreme Court nominees will be ordering the confiscation of guns and the legitimacy of sharia law and open borders within a few years. Never Trumpers can rejoice but it will be a pyrric victory for “conscience” voters around the country and the beltway.
So your position is that…based on your blind faith…and ignoring T-rump’s stated intent to impose “touch-back amnesty” and his support of gun control in the past…
people should vote AGAINST their consciousness and their conscience.
Nope. Doesn’t work for this conservative.
I agree Rags: People conservatives should cast a vote that helps Hillary win, that Helps president Hillary grant citizenship to millions of illegals, and helps Hillary pack the Supreme court with anti-constitutional liberals like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Makes perfect sense. Because conservatives must punish the USA for not voting for Cruz.
Just say it Rags. You want Hillary to win. Every post you make is to argue against Trump and in support of Hillary. You are a Hillary supporter. You need to come out of the closet on this. You will feel much better.
Gary, you’re a lying liar, who lies. You always have been.
So, okay Rags: who are you voting for this November?
Tell us.
You obviously aren’t for Mr. Trump. Okay, fine, a number of folks aren’t.
So you are you pulling the lever FOR? You obviously have a lot of, um, anger, on this issue. So tell us.
Kirby is right on the money.
You either hold your nose and vote for Trump, or you’re putting Hillary in the White House.
Rags, even a big-shot lawyer like you should be able to figure this out.
It’s not hard.
It’s a lie. Even you can figure out that you have choices outside of what the parties have handed you.
Or are you THAT stupid and cowed…????
“Big Shot”?
More like “Big Mouth”
Sources tell me Joe Scarborough got the memo he works for MSNBC and he is expected to carry water for the Democrat candidate
Sources also tell me Joe Scarborough is generally a dick.
Logged in just so I could give you an upvote. Especially on your description of Joe Scarborough.
Ross Perot was extremely popular and won 19% of the popular vote. For a 3rd party that is unheard of. However, he won exactly 0 electoral college votes which means all he did was throw the election to Clinton. Which now, is giving us Hillary (she would be a nobody without Bill’s presidency). Unless some left wing nut job can win California’s 55 electoral votes, there’s no way to throw this election to the House. A vote for anyone but Trump is one less vote Hillary needs. Your “moral” conscience will give us Clinton…
To be charityable: GOPe, Conservatives, and their fellow travelers are indistinguishable from accelerationists.
Correct. Recall, that’s pretty much what Mr. Perot wanted to do. He and Bush-Elder had a mutual disadmiration society going, and so sticking it to George H.W. was double-plus good for him.
Rags, Trump has made plenty of mistakes, but promoting local over federal control over fracking (or most issues) is not one of them.
Evil, this isn’t ABOUT a federal vs. local or state issue.
It’s about PROHIBITION. By anybody. See?
Well no, that’s not what Mr. Trump said.
I actually don’t have a problem with a state or locality prohibiting fracking, so long as a state or locality can vote for fracking if they wish. Recall Pennsylvania versus New York — the former permits fracking, the latter does not. Over time it will be clear to citizens in both states which way is best.
Mr. Trump said (per the news clip and quotations) that he wanted states and localities to have some say. As someone who believes that the federal government has too much power today, I thought this was smart on Mr. Trump’s part.
Rags is not interested in what Trump has actually said.
Destroys his pathetic arguements.
This is the same Joe Scarborough who just a few days ago when on and on about Trump being mentally deranged. Slinging mud anywhere it would stick. And after 20 minutes of the vile stuff he says I did not say this ” other people” are saying this!
Flick off Morning Joe!
Yah this will turn out well for… Hillary.
I do not see the point. You have 4 choices: Hillary, Trump, stay home or protest vote. First 3 need no explanation.
There is already a protest vote available with the Libertarian vote. Finding the perfect protest candidate means nothing – being heard matters if you want to impact things.
This is not a comment on any of the candidates. Just a comment that this to me makes zero sense.
Waste of time, money, organization, talent, resources. Personally, if I were to do a meaningless protest vote, I’d write-in Adam Carola/James Woods. That would be more fun than this chump.
But, hey, it used to be a free country and still occasionally resembles one. Knock yourself out.
Zero Hedge says it’s Evan McMullin.
Looks like I was posting that link while Ms. Kaye was posting a separate entry. Never mind.
It’s relevant. Thanks, anyway.
Too Funny. The comments on that site are a great read. I consider myself a Neocon Federalist and this guy does not pass the smell test other than “establishment loser”. The desperation of the “fail established GOP” claiming to be the conservative conscious has now been burnt to a crisp. I wonder if his VP will be Ted Cruz. Any relationship with his GS wife?
The circus continues. The big question, is Rags going to join them in the clown car.
I got my pop corn and soon the old elephants will start dancing. This made my day. At least 9 of the 10 #NeverTrumps will not be voting for Hillary. Rags being the only holdout.
Yo, idiot…
I’ve made my position very clear. I won’t vote for either of the stinking, lying, pathological Collectivist thugs.
Do I need to say it again…???
But we never tire of watching you act a fool.
When is John McCain’s primary?
Early voting for his primary began last Wednesday. Today I went and did my civic duty and voted against McCain and for Dr. Kelli Ward.
The official date is Aug. 30.
This is just idiotic and plays in the Democrats favour.
It’s either HRC or The Donald. All these independents do is syphon off Republican votes. Yet won’t hurt HRC as democrats seem to understand that it’s either our guy or their guy so they will hold their noses and vote for HRC!
If these scum succeed in electing Hillary, we must absolutely destroy the Republican party. They must never again get a seat in Congress. Hang them all.
I think we have to pick the lesser of two evils , it has often been that way.
Hillary is not to be entrusted and has an entrenched ideological cadre of govt employees who will do her bidding which will be evil, Obama Part Deux
. Trump will have those bureaucrats and the half the GOP working to keep him in check .
It is a no brainer on who will do us more damage and really does anyone really believe a country would go to war with us just because he has a big mouth .