NYT Reporter Rips ‘Incredibly Inappropriate’ Hannity for Giving Trump ‘Free Advertising’

This would be funny if it weren’t so ironically hypocritical. There was reporter Jeremy Peters, of the New York Times—appearing on MSNBC—piously condemning “Sean Hannity’s incredibly inappropriate role as an adviser to Donald Trump who is essentially giving him tens of millions of dollars of free advertising.”

Just what does Peters think the MSM is: from his own New York Times to MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, the Washington Post, etc., if not one huge monolith devoted to electing Hillary Clinton and other Dems while destroying Donald Trump? If Hannity is giving Trump “tens of millions” in free advertising, what is the combined value of free advertising that the MSM is giving to Hillary Clinton?

Peters spoke after a clip ran of Hannity’s show in which Trump asked people at a rally to show their support for different policy options on immigration.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Jeremy Peters, it looks as if Donald Trump has adopted Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and the Chamber of Commerce’s position.JEREMY PETERS: He was focus-grouping his new position right there before our very eyes. And using a news network to do so. Which I think is one of the things that’s kind of been lost in this. Is Sean Hannity’s incredibly inappropriate role as an adviser to Donald Trump who’s essentially giving him tens of millions of dollars of free advertising.

Tags: Donald Trump, Joe Scarborough, Media Bias, Morning Joe, MSNBC, Sean Hannity