Sen. Tim Scott Shares Personal Stories of Discrimination

As I mentioned earlier this week, I’ve been greatly encouraged that post-Dallas Shootings, there seems to be a collective denial of the usual gun control nonsense in favor of heartfelt conversations about race.

Communities nation-wide aren’t the only entities engaging with one another. Sen. Tim Scott gave a series of speeches on the Senate floor this week, detailing his personal encounters with institutional discrimination.

His tone was not accusatory, but expository. His hope? To bring a better understanding of the reality many in this country face.

Even as a U.S. Senator, Hill law enforcement has questioned his credentials more than once.

“I have felt the anger, the frustration, the sadness, and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you’re being targeted for nothing more than being just yourself,” said Scott. “There’s nothing more frustrating, more damaging to your soul than when you know you’re following the rules and being treated like you are not.”

His entire second speech is powerful and well worth your time to watch.

More of this, please.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Dallas Shooting, Racism, Tim Scott