Ronald Reagan’s Independence Day Radio Address to the Nation (1983)
What do President Reagan and Jib Jab have in common?
Happy Independence Day to all our readers.
It’s one of those days when we all should remember and celebrate our own “Brexit”.
Enjoy this video President Ronald Reagan’s 1983 Independence Day address to the nation.
And while we’re at it, enjoy this from Jib Jab (what ever happened to Jib Jab, by the way?)
Have a Great Day.
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To me, Ronald Reagan was the quintessential President of “we the people.” I wonder how many in Congress today, hearing his talk, would hear it with a sense of damning indictment. Political courage? The well seems to have gone pretty dry. Nevertheless, we shall endure. God bless America!
Kate Smith, God Bless America
It’s beyond time for Amexit,
from the UN.
Reagan’s 1986 speech for the 4th is also excellent (text here and video here, as is Coolidge’s 1926 address ( and Lincoln’s 1858 version on the meaning of Independence Day (
Lots more inspirational (and not so inspirational) 4th of July stuff here:
Watching that, it’s amazing how many of our recent presidents have been either corrupt scum or incompetent.