Here’s how the liberal media already is attacking Mike Pence

Mike Pence

It took less than 24 hours for liberals in media to begin attacking Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Just days ago, many of these folks never would have bothered writing anything about Pence but now that he’s on the ticket with Trump, they’re in a rush to define him.

Here are some choice examples.

Think Progress invented a new term for the Governor:

Mike Pence, Cigarette TrutherOver his political career Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN) has consistently carried the tobacco industry’s water, denying the dangers of cigarettes, opposing government regulation, and slashing smoking cessation efforts. In return, they rewarded him with more than $100,000 in campaign donations.In 2000, Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN), then running for an open U.S. House seat, came out against a proposed settlement between government and the tobacco industry, calling it “big government.” In a shocking editorial, he wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” Pence acknowledged that smoking is not “good for you,” but claimed that two-thirds of smokers do not die from smoking related illness and “9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer.” He warned of a slippery-slope in which government would soon seek to discourage fatty foods, caffeine, and SUVs.

Esquire says Pence is a soldier in the War on Women:

Mike Pence Was a Pioneer in the Assault on Planned ParenthoodI was there in Indianapolis last year when Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, practically with a bag over his head, and then stood by and watched helplessly as his state’s entire tourist economy headed for the storm drains one week before the city hosted the NCAA men’s basketball Final Four, and one year before it was scheduled to host the same event for women’s basketball. I’ve never seen a politician so obviously whipsawed by his own actions. Jesus, even the NCAA found Pence’s actions morally obtuse.

The Huffington Post plays the Palin card:

Mike Pence: Sarah Palin Without The CharismaIt is too amazing to be true. Donald Trump charged Arthur Culvahouse, the same DC lawyer who vetted Sarah Palin, with vetting his VP choices.And Trump has ended up picking Sarah Palin, without the charisma.One source who used to work as a senior staff member in the House of Representatives told me, “Pence, smart? I used to eat salads at the Rayburn cafeteria that had more brains than Mike Pence.”That certainly fits Mike Pence.

The Sacramento Bee wants you to know he’s worse than Trump:

Think the GOP can’t do worse than Trump? Meet Mike PenceAs I write this, signs are pointing to the politically logical, but civilly frightful: Donald Trump picking Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate.Nothing is certain, of course. The presumptive Republican nominee is predictably unpredictable.But if Trump makes the announcement everyone expects, it will be my nightmare, and it should be yours, too.A year ago, I left Indiana, in large part to get away from the first-term governor and his policies that too often seem to punish anyone who isn’t white, straight, male, middle class and Christian. In fact, cities in California and across the country are dotted with young ex-pats who are proud to call themselves Hoosiers – not “Indianans” – but want nothing to do with a man hell-bent on running his state like a church.

The Nation plays the Akin card:

Mike Pence Is a Smooth-Talking Todd AkinIt looks like Donald Trump blinked.After a 13-month battle with the Republican establishment in which he won most every skirmish, Trump appears to be acting responsibly, as his campaign confirmed the news that he’d chosen mild-mannered Indiana Governor Mike Pence to be his vice-presidential nominee. It was hard to believe that was Trump’s first choice. There had been lots of reporting that he wanted Newt Gingrich (why not, God, why not?) and, despite New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s legal baggage (plus Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s mortal grudge against Christie for sending his father to jail), it seemed like Trump found in Christie a kindred soul/bully as well. But he was by most accounts scheduled to introduce the white-haired establishment favorite, Mike Pence, at an event in Trump Tower on Friday.

The New York Times says he’s on the wrong side of history:

Mike Pence: A Conservative Proudly Out of Sync With His TimesLong after government regulators had confirmed the lethal consequences of cigarette smoking, Mike Pence mocked their warnings as “hysteria” in 1998.“Time for a quick reality check,” he wrote. “Smoking doesn’t kill.”Long after most members of Congress had abandoned the quaint practice of delivering one-minute morning speeches, Mr. Pence eagerly held court in an empty chamber, musing about sports and Scripture.And long after Republicans’ war on big government was fading, Mr. Pence defiantly opposed his own party over the creation of signature programs like No Child Left Behind and a Medicare prescription drug benefit.

Bear in mind that this is only a partial list.

It hasn’t been two full days since Pence was chosen and the onslaught has already started.

Hang on tight because it’s only going to get worse.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Media Bias, Mike Pence