Documentary “Hush” Focuses on Physical and Mental Health Ramifications of Abortion

Just last week, my husband (a licensed therapist) and I were discussing the pro-life cause and how the lasting mental health ramifications are criminally underreported. He explained that of the many issues women face, there is seldom any trauma he’s encountered that rivals the aftermath of abortion.

A new documentary, “Hush”, explores what really happens to women, both physically and mentally post-abortion.

“Women who have an abortion history are at a higher risk for substance use, for anxiety, for depression…” one of the film’s participants explains. “This really has nothing to do with the morality of abortion, per se, it’s the morality of telling the truth about it.”

Less political and more science-based, the hope is to encourage conversation about the many under-discussed realities of abortion.

Filmmaker Punam Kumar Gill explains she’s less interested in the pro-life, pro-abortion dichotomy and more interested in the pro-information sphere.

we believed that if we could overcome our differences and work together, the outcome would be powerful towards the breaking down of political boundaries. Together we determined to maintain one goal, and only one goal, in the making of this film: to find the truth for the sake of women’s health. To do this, we would have to maintain a posture of honour towards ALL women, forgoing our personal opinions of whether abortion is right or wrong, good or bad. We united for the greater good: to ensure that the best possible care is being given to women.In “Pro-Life” circles, hearing about the negative effects of abortion is a common thing. Churches and Crisis Pregnancy Centres will tell you about the psychological trauma, potential for physical damage, and even breast cancer, that abortion may cause.On the other hand, in “Pro-Choice” circles, and at abortion clinics it is commonly told that the procedure is much safer than childbirth, that the psychological effects are the same as if you deliver the child, and the breast cancer connection is a closed case.One way or another, someone is lying to women.

Sure, there were challenges exploring one of the most polarizing subjects in western culture:

What made the investigation consistently difficult is that the only people willing to speak to the subject came from extremes of the political spectrum. Any truly neutral scientists, doctors, psychologists and researchers who had looked at the subject chose to zip their mouths, ignored our calls, or deferred to others. So we determined we would have to hear everyone out, no matter their political leanings, with an open mind, and a healthy amount of skepticism.We aren’t scientists. And we don’t claim to be. But the research involved in the making of this film was extensive. Our investigation lasted for a year, and took us all across the globe. Shooting took place in Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal, Toronto, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, California, Washington, Texas, London, England and Punjab, India.What none of us knew going into the project, was how Punam’s health would be directly affected by the information found in the process.

“Hush” is available to rent or own here.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Abortion, Pro-Life