Congress Moves to Strip Hillary’s Security Clearance

Sens. Cory Gardner (R-CO) and John Cornyn (R-TX) have presented a bill to strip Hillary Clinton and her aides of their security clearances after the FBI recommended she not face prosecution over her emails.

Gardner said:

“The FBI’s investigation into Secretary Clinton’s personal email server confirmed what Americans across the country already know: Secretary Clinton recklessly accessed classified information on an insecure system–establishing a vulnerable and highly desirable target for foreign hackers,” Gardner said. “If the FBI won’t recommend action based on its findings, Congress will. At the very least, Secretary Clinton should not have access to classified information, and our bill makes sure of it.”

Cornyn agreed:

“Access to classified information is a tremendous responsibility, and should only be entrusted to those who will treat that information with the care it deserves,” Cornyn said. “When individuals mishandle our country’s most sensitive information they jeopardize national security and shouldn’t be trusted with such an important responsibility.”

The White House said it would not deny Clinton access since they have always given the Republican and Democrat nominees classified email briefings.

The TRUST Act would “prohibit any officer or employee of the Federal Government who has exercised extreme carelessness in the handling of classified information from being granted or retaining a security clearance.”

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan asked James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, to strip Clinton of her security clearances.

FBI Director James Comey recommended the Department of Justice not prosecute Clinton even though their investigation found she and her aides mishandled classified information. Comey claimed no prosecutor would take the case because of “no bad intent.”

The State Department also announced they would continue their investigation since the FBI concluded theirs. They began theirs when they found “22 emails from Clinton’s private server to be ‘top secret.'”

However, the State Department can only revoke security clearances if they find Clinton or her aides did anything wrong since they do not work for the department anymore.

Tags: Congress, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, James Comey