VIDEO: No truly “Lone Wolves” in the Palestinian Knife Intifada

Earlier this year, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs released a report on the so-called Knife Uprising (Intifada), The Knife and the Message: The Roots of the New Palestinian Uprising (pdf. version here).

The report explored various aspects behind the Palestinian violence, which included shooting and car rammings, among other tactics, with a focus on knife stabbings. Children and young adults were both the target of incitement, and predictably therefore, the main participants in violence.

Here is an excerpt from the Executive Summary:

The latest wave of Palestinian violence against Jews is something new, an insidious wave of seemingly un-orchestrated attacks, perpetrated by unlikely assailants, and generally untraceable to any particular organization. They were also characterized by brutality, viciousness and randomness, and the purposeful use of the knife, to drive home the intent of bringing a new and unrelenting wave of slaughter to the Jews; a message to all Israelis that neither they, nor their children, will ever be able to live in this land in peace.As this document will show, the Palestinian president and those under his authority are indeed instructing young Palestinians what to do. Not sending them into battle as soldiers, but goading them into action through deliberate messaging, distortion and fabrication, sometimes stated openly by senior Palestinian officials, but mostly insidiously, aimed at keeping the conflict alive and portraying the Palestinians as the victims in a whitewash of terror.There is a guiding hand in all this, the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian faction that leads it, Fatah….

Now JCPA has released a video based on the Report findings.

The video includes the role of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in inciting violence:

The role of social media in glorifying and encouraging violence, particularly by youth:

and how children as young as 12 have become violent knife attackers:

The point is that there are no true lone wolves in a culture of incitement, from the top down and the bottom up.

Here is the video:

Tags: Israel, Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Incitement, Palestinian Terror, Terrorism