Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Gets the Ax
Out with the old, in with the hopes of beating Hillary

According to the New York Times, Trump’s campaign has fired their campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.
Maggie Haberman reports:
“The Donald J. Trump Campaign for President, which has set a historic record in the Republican primary having received almost 14 million votes, has today announced that Corey Lewandowski will no longer be working with the campaign,” the campaign spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, said in a statement. “The campaign is grateful to Corey for his hard work and dedication and we wish him the best in the future.”
Mr. Trump had faced increasing concerns from allies and donors, as well as his children, about the next phase of the campaign as he pivots toward a general election.
Two people briefed on the move said that Mr. Lewandowski was let go.
The campaign manager was seen as having a hostile relationship with many members of the national press corps that covers Mr. Trump, and many officials at the Republican National Committee had strained relationships with him.
And Mr. Lewandowski was often at odds with Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, Paul Manafort, who was brought on in March when the candidate seemed poised for a lengthy fight over delegates.
Mr. Lewandowski was said to have resisted certain moves that would have increased the staff, at times blocking Mr. Manafort from making hires or later undoing them.
But the people briefed on Mr. Lewandowski’s departure said that the circumstances went well beyond any particular incident or any particular relationship.
One person stressed that the move had been in the works for many weeks, particularly since it became clear that Mr. Trump would be the nominee. The person added said that the campaign is now focusing on bringing the party together, including hiring new staff members and adjusting to the race against Mrs. Clinton.
Lewandowski was thrust into national headlines after an alleged kerfuffle with now former Breitbart News reporter, Michelle Fields.
Meanwhile, A New York-based Trump advisor tweeted:
Ding dong the witch is dead!
— Michael Caputo (@MichaelRCaputo) June 20, 2016
Flashback to March, when Donald Trump said he wouldn’t fire Lewandowski because of loyalty and things:
Trump continues to slide in polling testing head to head match ups with Hillary Clinton, where Clinton consistently beats him by an average of 5 points.
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Nooooooo…. Bring Corey back! Manafort is just as much of a snake, but he is not nearly as visibly odious as Corey, and might be able to contain the damage that Trump self-inflicts every few days.
It may be he wants his son in law more active. I’ve read a few times how Lewandowski and Kushner had some epic disagreements. And I’ve also read that much of the most recent teleprompter scripts come from Kushner or at least have his hand in it in a heavy way.
Yeah, Lewandowski has been a disaster from beginning to end, and there are many stories of clashes, probably most visible being with Manafort and Rick Wilson.
Thing is that Lewandowski is a good fit with Trump – he is nasty abusive vile piece of something. Manafort is more professional, smooth and polished and doesn’t come across nearly as deranged.
Have no idea how Kushner is, but if he clashed with Corey, he might be also a little more aware of what is going on out there.
As a NeverTrump, I don’t want Trump surrogates to project air of respectability. Let Trump be the same Trump that I came to know and despise.
Manafort said he spends 40% of his time on Corey L.
I was impressed that Trump stood by Corey during the whole ridiculous Fields battery fiasco. It would have been too easy to let him be the fall guy.
We know who wasn’t the fall girl.
He fires the best people.
Trump continues to slide in the polls to Hillary? Shocker. No matter how often Trumpublicans were told that, they burrowed their heads further up Trump’s rear. Cruz consistently beat Hillary in the polls. I can’t think of a worst possible scenario to say “I told you so” than after November’s election. But I think this is going to be it.
My only hope is that whenever hilldog gets air time her favorables go down. Hoping the trend continues.
Not that I believe we’ll see a huge improvement under Trump, but we know for sure hilldog will be even worse than barack.
Speaking of Hillary Clinton and air time, BOR claims that she has pretty much an open invitation for the Factor… but she will not make an appearance. I wonder why? And tonight Donald Trump will face BOR and possibly discuss the change in his team.
Michael Caputo, a Trump adviser and head of the communications for Trump’s caucus operations team, tweeted “Ding Dong the witch is dead” following the news that Lewandowski had been fired.
“I regret sending out a tweet today alluding to the firing of Corey Lewandowski. In hindsight, that was too exuberant a reaction to this personnel move. I know this is a distraction from the kind of campaign you want to run, so I’m resigning my position as director of communications for caucus operations at the 2016 Republican Convention. Let’s make this immediate,” Caputo wrote in a letter to campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, according to a copy obtained by CNN.
Caputo also said he deeply respects Trump as well as Manafort and Gates.
“I wish you success in the months ahead. I continue to believe Donald Trump must be elected President in November. With you at the helm, I know he can. Call if I can help,” he said.
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’…keep them heads a-rollin’; rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ T-rump’s hide…!!!
Apparently, Corey (Lady Killer) Lewandowski was considered a sumbitch by a LOT of people.