Big Changes at Legal Insurrection

I’ve changed my profile pic.

For the first time since Legal Insurrection was founded on October 12, 2008.

It’s part of a new attitude. Hopefully it will last.

In other news, I’m *almost* out of the woods on family health issues which have stressed the hell out of me the past few months and particularly the past few weeks.

Assuming no further downturns, I should be *back* by the end of the month.

Go ahead, sing it:

Recently, we welcomed Mary Chastain and Mark Finkelstein to Legal Insurrection.

Mary, our Contributing Editor, joined us at the beginning of May. Mary wrote for Andrew Breitbart’s website since 2011 and stayed on after his death. She covered mostly international issues, with a focus on Eastern Europe, but also covered domestic issues. And sports. She’s a batshit-crazy Cubs fan (is there any other type?). She lives in Oklahoma, the place people in flyover country refer to as flyover country.

Mark wrote for NewsBusters for a decade until joining us at the start of this week. His beat there was liberal media bias, particularly coverage of morning talking head shows, something he will continue here most days.

Mark is an “old” friend from Ithaca who flew the coop on his single engine plane to Texas in 2011, Texas Gains Mark Finkelstein:

Not long after starting this blog I received an e-mail from Mark Finkelstein, who writes forNewsbusters, and for a while, at his own blog, Finkelblog.Mark invited me on his long-running conservative talk show, The Right Angle, which had been on local Ithaca cable TV for over a decade.Two things surprised me.  First, that there was another on-the-record conservative in Ithaca.  Second, that someone would want to have me on his show.Since that first contact I have appeared on Mark’s show several times.  I was honored to be the guest on Mark’s last show earlier this week.Mark always had an encouraging word about this blog, and has an indefatigable energy that is contagious.  In addition to his business developing and operating a student apartment complex, Mark is a pilot, and a writer.And Mark was the person who took upon himself the burden of publicly arguing for the conservative position in public debates at Ithaca High School and elsewhere.  If ever there were a hopeless and thankless task, preaching conservatism in Ithaca is it, but Mark relished the challenge.And now after 25 years in Ithaca, Mark is fulfilling the dream of approximately one-half of Northeasterners.  He’s moving to Texas.And better yet, Mark is moving to a community with a private airstrip so he can walk out his door and get into his plane and fly away.  Texas must be a really large country for such a thing to be possible.I will miss having Mark in Ithaca, and I wish him well in reality.

Additionally, Kemberlee slowly but surely has been assuming more responsibility behind the scenes managing the website and editing content, and in recognition of that her title will be Senior Contributing Editor.

Similarly, Fuzzy is the Weekend Editor, recognizing what she’s been doing for a long time.

I can’t overstate my appreciation for the editors, authors and others who help keep this place going.

Tags: Blogging