Did Trump and Kasich Strike a Deal?

Donald Trump in SC

John Kasich has a big announcement at 5:00 EST, but we all know what he will say. He’ll formally announce he’s suspending his presidential campaign. And yes, he was running for president this whole time. By the way, did you know his father was a mailman? Because his father was a mailman.

By some theories, Kasich hung on just long enough to siphon votes from Cruz and serve as an anti-Trump spoiler. Not sure I buy this particular line because it assumes Kasich supporters would’ve defaulted to Cruz in the absence of the Governor.

In any case, some have suggested (though none have confirmed), that Trump and Kasich struck a smokey, back-room deal which would explain the timing of Kasich’s withdrawal from the race.

RedState’s Leon Wolf posted a clip showing Trump toying with the idea of vetting Kasich for VP:

Wolf Blitzer: CNN has just confirmed, John Kasich, the Ohio governor, he’s dropping out as well. You’re the only one left right now.Trump: That’s good. You’re just telling me this for the first time about John and that’s good. I think John’s doing the right thing.Wolf: Ohio, you know, is an important state, no Republican has ever been elected President of the United States without winning Ohio.Trump: Well, I think John will be very… I’ve had a good relationship with John…Wolf: He’s got a lot of government experience in Congress, as a governor…Trump: I think John will be very helpful with Ohio, even as a governor.Wolf: He says he doesn’t want to be a Vice President.Trump: Well, that could be. I mean, he said that.Wolf: Would he be someone you’d be interested in vetting?Trump: There’s… I’d be interested in vetting John. I like John. I’ve had a good relationship with John. I’ve gotten along with him well.

Could it be they made a VP deal? Who knows? I don’t. So I asked the internet:

My personal opinion:

Most likely:

But the responses were hilarious:

This explains everything:

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Donald Trump, John Kasich