Florida GOP Trolls Hillary for April Fools’ Day

The Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) is having a little fun at Hillary Clinton’s expense this April Fools’ Day, posting several news releases highlighting her problems with the investigations into her email server and unfavorable polling.

In a mock press release obtained by Legal Insurrection, RPOF shared several fake news articles. One announced that Clinton had won an Academy Award “for her portrayal of an honest candidate,” including a quote from DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz praising Clinton’s “ability to pretend she hasn’t changed her position on a range of key issues, and dedication to sticking to her talking points regarding her secret email server and Wall Street speeches.”

Other articles included one claiming that former President Bill Clinton would be endorsing Bernie Sanders instead of his wife “due to Hillary’s lack of transparency with voters” and another purporting to have a video showing Clinton actually “wiping her server clean” by physically wiping her Blackberry with a small cloth.

The fun continued on RPOF’s Twitter account, where they tweeted the “breaking news” that Clinton was finally telling the truth:

The RPOF also created some joke headlines for Patrick Murphy, who is running for Senate against his fellow Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson, picking on his recent party switching, hypocrisy on Super PACs, and the machinations of the DSCC to sway the primary.

Florida Republicans will have their work cut out for them if Donald Trump, who won the state’s Republican presidential primary on March 15, is the party’s nominee. The most recent statewide poll, conducted by NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist College from March 4 through March 10, had Trump losing to Clinton by 8 points. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) fared slightly better in that poll, losing to Clinton by 5 points.

Follow Sarah Rumpf on Twitter: @rumpfshaker.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Florida, Hillary Clinton