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Iranians Indicted in Hack Attacks on U.S. Banks and Dam

Iranians Indicted in Hack Attacks on U.S. Banks and Dam

Seven Iranians indicted for cyber crimes

The Obama Administration issued a federal indictment charging seven Iranian officials with cyber crimes.

Adam Kredo of the Washington Free Beacon reports:

The Obama administration unsealed a federal indictment Thursday charging seven Iranian government-backed hackers with cyber crimes as the result of multiple attacks in recent years on several U.S. banks and a New York dam, according to officials.

The indictment accuses the Iranian government and its Revolutionary Guards Corps of orchestrating and conducting a years-long cyber attack on at least 46 U.S. financial institutions and a dam based outside of New York City.

The coordinated hack attacks took place between 2011 and 2013, with intrusions into U.S. financial institutions lasting nearly 200 days, according to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who briefed reporters Thursday morning on the case.

Lynch described Iran’s attack as “large-scale and coordinated,” noting that Iran’s goal was to cripple America’s economy and wreak havoc on these financial institutions, which faced tens of millions of dollars in damages as a result of the attacks.

“These attacks were relentless, they were systematic, and they were widespread,” Lynch said. “We believe they were conducted with the sole purpose of undermining the targeted companies” and disrupting U.S. financial markets.

The Obama administration promised legal penalties for these Iranian hackers, whom multiple officials insisted are “working on behalf of the Iranian government.

The seven Iranians charged by the U.S. are believed to work for several hacker groups affiliated with the Iranian government and IRGC.

Indictment here:

Fathi Et Al Indictment

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G. de La Hoya | March 24, 2016 at 3:47 pm

Present time shows that many at the federal and state levels of government are not afraid of the consequences of breaking laws. I would assume the same could be said of these Iranians. BFD Loretta Lynch. Maybe Obama will send a strongly worded letter to his new Iranian BFF’s?

JimMtnViewCaUSA | March 24, 2016 at 4:42 pm

Yes, exactly as Mr de La Hoya said.
Can we get a Repub Congress that won’t roll over and play dead?
After the years of RINO accommodation of Dem policies, Repub legislature is mocked and ignored.

According to The Hill, presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., teamed up with Sen. Orrin Hatch, R- Utah, to write a letter decrying the administration’s moves.

“The statute in question is unambiguous, and the HHS regulation and recent practice violates its clear directive,” the letter read.

Jost is not so sure. He says it all depends on how the mandate is interpreted. “(The administration’s) reading of the statute is, that the reason for adopting this program was to establish a reinsurance program, and therefore if there was a shortfall the money collected should first go to reinsurance,” and if more is collected, “only then would it go to the Treasury,” Jost told “(Republicans) say that reading is wrong.”

“It’s a disagreement on how to read the statute,” he added, “but I don’t think there is anything illegal, unconstitutional or immoral in respect to what the administration is doing.”

JimMtnViewCaUSA | March 24, 2016 at 4:43 pm

And here’s another one. “Power of the purse”? It is, as Bugs Bunny would say, to laugh.
Senators say State Dept is defying Congress

Under questioning by Barrasso at a March 8 Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Heather Higginbottom told the committee the funds were diverted from the department’s Economic Support Fund — which provides economic funding to foreign countries — to the GCF after a full review by department lawyers.

State Department spokeswoman Katherine Pfaff also confirmed to the source of the funding was the economic fund, but could not say from which exact program the money came.

And she bluntly addressed the GOP senators’ accusation. “Did Congress authorize the Green Climate Fund? No,” she said, adding that department lawyers “reviewed the authority and the process under which we can do it.”

The administration, meanwhile, has requested another $750 million for the GCF in its fiscal 2017 budget.

Higginbottom also insisted they were not required to notify Congress about the transfer from the Economic Support Fund

JimMtnViewCaUSA | March 25, 2016 at 12:22 am

Plus there’s this

Obama Admin Engaged in Secret Talks to Pay Iran Nearly $2 Billion. Officials admit delays in informing Congress.

The Obama administration has spent three years engaged in secret talks with Iran that resulted in the payment of nearly $2 billion in taxpayer funds to the Islamic Republic, with more payouts likely to come in the future, according to a recent letter issued by the State Department

Give ’em a hydrogen bomb. — That’ll teach ’em.