Free Stuff Week at College Insurrection
Your weekly report from the world of higher education.
Some college students seem to think America’s promise has to do with handouts.
The left is becoming more aggressive in their quest for campus control.
- How ‘Sensitivity Fascists’ Are Ruining Colleges
- University Caves to Student Activists’ Demand for Microaggression Reporting System
- University Spends Time And Money on Study of Feminism and Glaciers
Conservative students are doing what they can.
- The Way Conservatives Are Fighting For Free Speech
- Young Americans for Freedom Chapter in California Called ‘Hate Group’
- Student Takes Stand Against Prof for the Bible
Free speech updates.
- Democrats Dismiss Concerns About Censorship on Campus
- UC Santa Barbara Student Government Votes For Free Speech on Campus
Trump on campus.
- U. Illinois at Chicago in a Panic Over Donald Trump Visit
- Trump Had a Super Tuesday With Young Voters
- Trump’s Refusal to be Politically Correct Appeals to Many College Students
There are consequences.
Read more campus news at College Insurrection.
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Gee, morons of the world unite! What a video full of utopian idiots. Yes, by all means vote for Bernie and watch your American dream become an entire lifetime of serfdom, because there is nothing like working for the success of the tyrannical state in exchange for “free” stuff.
The left has been in charge of education for a couple of generations now, this is to be expected.