Clinton Camp to Hold Fundraiser With Wall St. and Big Pharma Lobbyists

Hillary Clinton is expected to clean up today which means unless she suffers any consequences for her questionable decisions while serving at the State Department, which let’s face it – she won’t, she will be the Democratic Party nominee.

Knowing that, Bernie Sanders supporters will surely be excited to know that the Hillary Campaign has planned a little after party for Super Tuesday.

The International Business Times reports:

Hillary Clinton 2016: DC Lobbyists Set To Raise Cash For Hillary Victory FundThe Democratic National Committee’s recent move to end its ban on contributions from federal lobbyists was widely seen as a boost to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, which has ties to the Washington lobbying community. Clinton already appears to be taking advantage of the shift.On Mar. 21, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and a handful of lobbying titans are scheduled to host a fundraiser for the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising account for the Clinton campaign, the DNC and 32 state parties. According to an invitation obtained by the Sunlight Foundation, Podesta’s co-hosts include Steve Elmendorf, Jeff Forbes and Susan Brophy — all of whom were government officials before becoming lobbyists at top D.C. firms. The event with Podesta — whose brother is a corporate lobbyist and fundraising bundler for Clinton — follows a recent fundraising blitz by Clinton in which her campaign raised money from financial, energy and other industries that expect to have business before the next president.The DNC’s prohibition on lobbyist donations was instituted in 2008 at the behest of then-presidential candidate Barack Obama, who told voters: “They will not fund my party.” Clinton’s current Democratic primary opponent, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, has pushed her to demand the DNC reinstate the lobbyist contribution ban. Clinton is already the top recipient of money from lobbyists in the 2016 campaign, the New York Times reported.

You may recall an exchange between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton during the MSNBC Democrat debate during which Clinton called Sanders’ suggestion that she takes money from Wall Street and big pharma an “artful smear.”

Hat tip to progressive writer David Sirota who’s clearly ready to get on the Hillary train…

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Hillary Clinton