Ben Carson drops out of next debate, sees “no path forward”
But not officially “suspending” campaign.
Ben Carson is not officially suspending his campaign, but he’s doing almost that much, telling supporters he sees no “path forward” and dropping out of tomorrow’s debate.
Carson released the following statement: “I do not see a political path forward in light of last evening’s Super Tuesday primary results.”
I have decided not to attend the Fox News GOP Presidential Debate tomorrow night in Detroit. Even though I will not be in my hometown of Detroit on Thursday, I remain deeply committed to my home nation, America. I do not see a political path forward in light of last evening’s Super Tuesday primary results. However, this grassroots movement on behalf of “We the People” will continue. Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to Saving America for Future Generations. We must not depart from our goals to restore what God and our Founders intended for this exceptional nation.
I appreciate the support, financial and otherwise, from all corners of America. Gratefully, my campaign decisions are not constrained by finances; rather by what is in the best interests of the American people.
I will discuss more about the future of this movement during my speech on Friday at CPAC in Washington, D.C.
Analysts already picking over the bones of his campaign. I don’t think there’s any rocket science here. Dr. Carson was an immensely likable and talented person, but that didn’t translate in the long run with the ability to run a political campaign. His force of personality and integrity was able to carry him for a while, but not forever.
He was the nicest guy on any stage and in any room, but nice guys may not finish last, but they don’t finish first.
Carson managed to get over one-half million votes so far. Not enough to be a contender, but still a reflection of the strong core support for him:
His 8 delegates are unlikely to make a difference, but his supporters shifting to others could make a difference in upcoming primaries. I could see the argument for them going to Trump as another non-politician outsider, or to Cruz as the other remaining candidate most obviously perceived as protecting religious liberty.
BONUS QUESTION – To whom do Carson supporters go?

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They stay with Ben Carson? He always struck me as a statement candidate.
The real consequence is that he won’t stick around for more debates.
“You’re either on the bus, or you’re off the bus.” -Ken Kesey
C’mon, Ben.
“No path forward.” Yes, Dr. Carson. Everyone knew that when you decided to go home after Iowa to get a clean pair of pants.
Thanks for playing, but it’s time to pack it in. Do another book signing or something….
Hmmm. It would be very interesting if he takes the rumored offer by the GOPe of Rubio’s seat to drop out.
It would commit Rubio to a “presidency or bust” situation.
I’m glad that as a brain surgeon, he decided to use his.
Now it’s time for him to use his vaunted intellect and christian heart —- TED CRUZ 2016!
Carson’s a very nice man, and no fool.
Not surprised. He’s been running for a VP slot basically from the start.
Carson ought to run for Rubio’s Florida Senate seat.
He may not be “officially” suspending his campaign, but there is now no place on his website to make a donation so it does appear that he is out of the race.
This makes me sad because he’s such a good man. But I know God has plans for him. Bless you, Dr. Carson.
I would love to see him in the VP spot.He would temper the Donald’s image and draw minority voters.Win/win.
I’ve seen video of Carson addressing third rail questions about how interest rates have been artificially depressed, the actual size of the national debt and how we need to make significant cuts in federal spending across the board. dealing with the national debt. To have Trump suck all the air out of such issues with his empty promises is sad.
A broke America can’t be a great America.
Now if he would just take responsibility for that brouhaha in Iowa, as if the Rubio and Trump campaigns didn’t do the exact same thing! I liked him until he started whining about that; it didn’t seem in character, so maybe the rumors were true: he was doing it for donations and press time.
What did the Trump campaign do to Carson in Iowa?
Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
To each according to their strength and competence.
Been a longtime supporter of Dr. Carson (donated to carson scholars fund & presidential campaign plus purchased a few of his books). But post-Iowa, I have been disappointed in his behavior towards Ted Cruz. So glad Dr. Carson now is returning to his norm of gracious and dignified behavior. Dr. Carson would be an awesome addition to the senate.
Ben Carson has earned a future in national politics if he wants it. As to where the Carson supporters go I would opine they will go for Trump and Cruse as Rubio is Mr. Amnesty in spades.
“BONUS QUESTION – To whom do Carson supporters go?”
good question and I don’t know the answer.
next question: Where did jeb! supporters go?
next question: Where did jeb! supporters go?
The two of them went back to Kennibunkport.
Though I hear that she is planning some kind of revenge on Trump.