Massive penguin die-off from too much ice in Antarctica

One prediction I can now comfortably make after years of observation is that there is a direct, linear relationship between how much government funding a scientist gets and the inaccuracy of the theories generated.

The more politically connected the researcher, the more erroneous the “consensus” will be.

I have a new data point to add to the collection. There are reports that a large colony of penguins died of climate changed induced starvation.

However, the agent of that event was not carbon dioxide.

An estimated 150,000 Adelie penguins living in Antarctica have died after an iceberg the size of Rome became grounded near their colony, forcing them to trek 60km to the sea for food.The penguins of Cape Denison in Commonwealth Bay used to live close to a large body of open water. However, in 2010 a colossal iceberg measuring 2,900 square kilometres became trapped in the bay, rendering the colony effectively landlocked.Since 2011 the colony of 160,000 penguins has shrunk to just 10,000, according to research carried out by the Climate Change Research Centre at Australia’s University of New South Wales. Scientists predict the colony will be gone in 20 years unless the sea ice breaks up or the giant iceberg, dubbed B09B, is dislodged.

Former Vice President Al Gore was unavailable for comment.

Tags: Climate Change, global warming