Former AZ Governor Jan Brewer Endorses Donald Trump

I must admit, I was not particularly moved when Governor Chris Christie endorse Donald Trump for President.

However, today, there is an endorsement from someone I have respected for quite some time.

The former Arizona governor who famously wagged her finger at President Barack Obama and who signed the state’s controversial 2010 immigration law, on Saturday endorsed celebrity billionaire Donald Trump in the Republican presidential race.”For years I pleaded with the federal government to do their job and secure our border,” [said Jan] Brewer, who left office in early 2015, said in a written statement released Saturday by Trump’s campaign. “Today, we can elect a President who will do just that — Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump will secure our borders, defend our workers and protect our sovereignty. Mr. Trump will stand for our law enforcement, our police and our immigration officers. Mr. Trump will actually enforce the rule of law.”As a Washington outsider, Mr. Trump gets it,” Brewer added. “He will listen to the people and fight for the citizens of the United States.”

Brewer’s greeting of President Obama on the tarmac in 2012 was one of the few heart-warming moments I have had during his administration.

…As Brewer told pool reporters on the scene, Obama took umbrage at Brewer’s recent memoir. She minced no words on the cover: “Scorpions for Breakfast: My Fight Against Special Interests, Liberal Media, and Cynical Politicos to Secure America’s Border.”And she minced no words describing her impressions of Obama as they sparred over her state’s tough immigration enforcement law, which is now the subject of a Justice Department witch-hunt. Brewer called Obama “patronizing” and “condescending.” I’d say she was excruciatingly polite.According to Brewer, “He was a little disturbed about my book. … I said to him that I have all the respect in the world for the office of the president. The book is what the book is. I asked him if he read the book. He said he read (an) excerpt.” In the shadow of Air Force One, Obama complained that Brewer hadn’t “treated him cordially” and then stalked off while she was responding mid-sentence.Photogs captured the fracas on film. The civility police gasped at Brewer’s “disrespectful” finger-pointing. On cue, one progressive commentator insinuated the gesture was a “racist” jab tantamount to lynching.

While the primary process is still continuing, and flocks of black swans are on the horizon, the Republican candidate has yet to be chosen.

As I have noted before, I am prepared to vote for the Republican, no matter who is selected. However, I deeply respected Brewer’s willingness to fight for her state, and I will now be a little more comfortable pulling the lever for Trump if he is the last man standing.

I wish my Republican friends joy in the upcoming set of elections, where they still have a say in who will ultimately be picked. As a Democrat, my options are about to become much more limited.