What if GOP Candidates escorted Carly Fiorina onto debate stage?

Thursday night, ABC announced the lineup for tomorrow’s New Hampshire debate. Carly Fiorina was left off the roster.

To put it politely — Carly got royally screwed.

For the first time this primary season there will be no undercard debate, leaving Fiorina and Gilmore the only candidates unable to participate in the network’s pre-New Hampshire primary debate.

Fiorina placed higher in the Iowa Caucus than two other approved debate contenders — Governors Chris Christie and John Kasich. The debate also

The Washington Post‘s Phillip Bump has the best illustration of the polling breakdown:

Earlier this week, Fiorina wrote an open letter appealing to the network and the Republican National Committee. She argued the ever-changing debate requirements should compel debate organizers to allow her participation.

Ben Carson, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney all tweeted their support for Carly’s debate participation:

But that wasn’t enough to persuade the powers that be.

Professor Jacobson asked:

Polling strictness or a concerted effort to keep the only woman candidate out of the debate? I’m not one to presume sexism where it doesn’t exist, but in this particular instance, it seems a valid question.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Carly Fiorina