What if Assad were overthrown?

“Getting rid of Assad” often comes up as a throw away line in political discourse, particularly during Republican presidential debates.

Overthrowing or replacing Bashar al Assad would be easy enough, the U.S. has deposed and replaced plenty of tyrants in its day, but seldom does anyone discuss what would happen in this fictions scenario after Assad gets the boot.

Danielle Pletka, Senior Vice President, Foreign and Defense Policy Studies at AEI explains:

Part 1:

Explore the five groups that could have Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in their crosshairs.

Part 2:

As talks involving the regime of Bashar al-Assad and key elements of the Syrian opposition face continued delay in Geneva this week, the world must contemplate a world in which the dictator is no longer in power. How would the Tehran, Moscow, and the West respond to a post-Assad Syria?

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Tags: Bashar Assad, Syria