So who’s going to watch Sunday Dem Debate?


Have you heard that there’s a Democratic Party debate Sunday? If you haven’t, you’re not alone.

Once again, the DNC has scheduled a debate at a time to minimize viewership.

FOX News reports:

With Sunday debate, DNC places NFL, ‘Downton Abbey’ fans in tough spotOnce again, a Democratic debate is being held on the weekend, and this one could have a slimmer audience than usual — coming on the same day as two NFL playoff games, not to mention “Downton Abbey.”The Sunday night debate in South Carolina, hosted by NBC News, is the latest in a series of weekend Democratic bouts. The timing has fueled allegations from Hillary Clinton’s rivals that party leaders are working behind the scenes to minimize her exposure.This Sunday’s debate is in a particularly rough slot — forcing NFL fans and period drama lovers to choose between politics and pastimes.On the same day Clinton, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders discuss health care reform and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, there are two NFL playoff games, with the second — Pittsburgh Steelers versus the Denver Broncos – likely to finish only just before the debate begins.

This tactic of hiding their debates is fooling no one.

A new editorial from the Las Vegas Review-Journal addresses the issue:

Democrats hide presidential candidates in weekend debatesWhile the Republicans have debates scheduled for the Saturday nights before the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries — when big audiences are expected — their six debates to this point (out of 12) have been held during viewer-friendly weeknight time slots.The Democrats, on the other hand, have scheduled only four debates. While the first one in October was on a Tuesday, the last two have taken place on Saturday nights when far fewer people have been watching. The November debate drew roughly a third of the viewers of the first Republican debate, and the only December debate took place on December 19, smack-dab in the middle of holiday shopping season and (even worse) the opening weekend for the latest “Star Wars” film.When asked about the date for the December debate, Sen. Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs joked that Christmas Eve must have been booked. Democratic candidate Martin O’Malley, who lags considerably behind in the polls and could use increased exposure, said he thought the scheduling was due to “a false sense that they have to circle the wagons around the inevitable front-runner.”Even left-leaning publications such as The Nation have pointed out that the DNC’s poor strategy has kept its candidates out of the limelight, and says the party “needs to schedule more debates on more nights when more Americans are watching.”That won’t happen in time for the next Democratic debate, in Charleston, S.C., on Sunday night. That day features two NFL playoff games and is a full month before the South Carolina primaries.

In their effort to shield Hillary Clinton from further public scrutiny, the Democratic Party is sending a loud message to the American people.

They have something to hide.

[Note: Title changed to clarify no direct time conflict with NFL Playoffs]

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Democrats