Shooting attack on Tel Aviv cafes (UPDATES)

At least two people were killed in a terror attack on cafes in the heart of Tel Aviv.

The gunman purchased goods at a store then pulled out what is described as a submachine gun and started firing, before escaping.

Details on the gunman are still developing, but the latest reports indicate he was an Israeli Arab from northern Israel. Police are not clear on the motive for the attack, and whether it was what Israelis term “nationalistic” in motive.

This video appears to show the gunman as he shopped then pulled out his weapon and began shooting on the street:

According to Haaretz:

The police have identified an Israeli Arab resident of the northern town of Wadi Ara as the suspect. The suspect, 29, stole the gun from his father, who works in security. The father recognized the suspect from media reports, and after learning his weapon was gone, contacted the authorities.

This video taken from inside a cafe shows the gunman shooting on the street:

This video show the scene afterwards:

Though as of this writing no group has claimed responsibility, there was praise from Hamas and similar groups.

The Palestine Information Center tweeted out this cartoon of the execution of a Jew after the attack, and apparently it was tagged “Tel Aviv“:

More to follow.

UPDATES 1-2-2016
– The shooter still has not been captured (as of 2 p.m. Eastern), but the police have released his name and photo. The Times of Israel reports, Tel Aviv shooting suspect identified as Nashat Milhem:

Police on Saturday identified the suspected gunman in Friday’s shooting attack in Tel Aviv as Nashat Milhem, a 29-year-old resident of Arara, a village in Wadi Ara in northern Israel.Security forces have known the identity of the suspect since Friday, but a gag order had prevented him from being named until Saturday evening.Milhem, an Israeli Arab who was jailed for five years for a 2007 attack on a soldier, is suspected of shooting and killing two people and wounding seven more in Friday’s attack in central Tel Aviv. He was still on the loose on Saturday evening….Security forces have so far failed to capture the escaped shooter. According to Hebrew media reports, authorities now believe their best chance is to wait for Milhem to venture out of his hiding place in order to get food or attempt to find transportation. Releasing Milhem’s name and photo could help the public identify him if and when this happens.

Tags: Israel, Terrorism