Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina fall off the debate main stage

Fox Business News announced the line up for the January 14, 2016 Republican Debate. This is the last debate before the Iowa caucuses.

Mercifully, we are down to just 7 people on main stage. The Big Names not on stage anymore are Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina.

Jeb is now on the edge, physically and metaphorically.

Looking back, it’s interesting how there has been a realignment. Jeb is moving on down, and Christie fought his way back. What has not changed is Trump in the center position, and a solidifying of what everyone knows — it’s Trump at the top, Cruz as the main challenger.

Carson is a goner. Jeb is a goner.  Rubio, Kasich and Christie are vying for the non-Trump, non-Cruz candidacy.

Here’s how things looked at the mid-December 2015 CNN debate:

And for the Fox Business November 2015 debate:

And the CNN September Debate:

And the August Fox News Debate:

Rand Paul will not participate in the undercard debate, his campaign annnounced. Because he has some self-respect.

Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul