Proof Hillary would be Obama’s Third Term Seamless bumper sticker transition. Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 07:00am 10 Comments Print Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link Andrew Branca spotted this vehicle in Massachusetts. Wait, what? Print Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link DONATE Donations tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. 10 10 Comments Bumper Stickers Tags: Bumper Stickers
Obama and Hillary are so shallow (or hollow) that their entire “substance” can be easily captured in bumper stickers.
Specifically, the car was parked in CAMBRIDGE MA (and, yes, it had a MA plate).
–Andrew, @LawSelfDefense
That’s awesome, Andrew. And, Cambridge no less: In. Your. Face!
Long on golf, short on balls
Love that one.
You can’t say the owner of this vehicle is short on balls!
Only in gold is subpar performance a good thing.
Only in golf is subpar performance a good thing.
And all nicely displayed on high-visibility yellow!
Branca has an eye for the sublime.
Definitely worth getting a selfie with car and driver.
Go big or go home.
Ooo, Ooo…Meatloaf on the Video of the Day. And Badfinger a few days ago.
Well, I’ll say this: Nice choice of stickers. And it’s a miracle that the car has not been keyed yet.