Megyn Kelly to Moderate Next Debate Despite Trump’s Objection
Get ready for Round Two.
The next Republican debate is coming up this Thursday and will be hosted by FOX News. Based on their back and forth the last time FOX News hosted, Donald Trump asked the network to take Megyn Kelly off the moderator desk.
Unfortunately for Trump, the network is doing no such thing.
USA Today reports:
Fox to Trump: Megyn Kelly will be a debate moderator
Fox News has a message for Donald Trump: Megyn Kelly will be a moderator for next week’s Republican debate, despite the businessman’s call for her removal.
Hours after Trump accused the Fox anchor of bias and said she should not be part of the debate, Fox issued a statement: “Megyn Kelly has no conflict of interest. Donald Trump is just trying to build up the audience for Thursday’s debate, for which we thank him.”
In a tweet, the Republican front-runner said: “Based on @MegynKelly’s conflict of interest and bias she should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate.”
Based on @MegynKelly's conflict of interest and bias she should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 23, 2016
Kelly herself has consistently declined to respond to repeated attacks from Trump, who has described her as a “bimbo” among other insults.
If you’ve forgotten how things went last time, here’s a reminder:
Of course, other more liberal networks are already salivating over this.
Brian Stelter of CNN:
Donald Trump vs. Megyn Kelly: The sequel begins
Donald Trump’s beef with Megyn Kelly is back on — with a vengeance. On Saturday he said Kelly “should not be allowed” to moderate the next GOP debate.
But Kelly is definitely moderating it — and her employer, Fox News, is dismissing his complaint.
Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace are set to be the three moderators of next Thursday’s GOP debate in Iowa.
Trump famously tangled with Kelly during the first debate of the primary season last August. Kelly’s first question to him recounted how he’d disparaged women with terms like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” She also invoked the “war on women” and asked about his temperament.
Trump tried to deflect the dart, but it stuck, as did other questions from the moderators. Afterward, Trump said “I thought Megyn behaved very badly, personally,” and criticized her repeatedly.
FOX certainly won’t have a viewership problem, that’s for sure.
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FOX certainly won’t have a viewership problem, that’s for sure.
They will if Trump blows them off entirely.
Translation: Trump stamps his feet, takes his ball, and goes home.
Do you think Trump is playing to his base to gin up viewership. I wounder what he has in store. Why would he is driving this narrative to increase the size of the audience? The last time he was driving anticipation he sprung Sarah Palin. He improved his poll number in Iowa up to 34 to 36 and knocked the wind out of Cruz. So if history is any indication his opponents should be the ones not showing.
Fear the Donald yea GOPe! He is coming for you and he is bring us with him.
“FOX certainly won’t have a viewership problem, that’s for sure.”
Mission accomplished!
The Donald plays the victim almost as well as does the Hildabeast.
Well, if Trump boycotts Fox, they will have a viewership problem. And I think he will.
People will tune in for a few minutes and see he’s not there and tune out. Especially if he can manage an appearance elsewhere.
Look at the polls, he’s just too popular and Fox is now challenging him.
If he shows up he looks weak and that’s what this is all about. Megyn won’t be the problem. This is a direct challenge to Trump and I think he knows it and will respond.
Maybe he has another way to do it but boycotting is all I can see for him to do.
Interesting scenario, Jake.
I wouldn’t wish it to happen but if it did, I’d pay to see that…
Trump is desperately looking for an excuse to duck debate w/ Cruz. Please don’t give him one.
Perhaps Cruz should bring an empty chair.
OK Kelly its going to be fine. We know you are a Trump stalker. It will be all right. Please talk to her in a calm soothing voice. Reassure her that she can get over his rejection. Else she may spend another three weeks eating ice cream and sobbing. Don’t let her near scissors or the rest of the hair will go.
Donald if you have a pet rabbit keep it away from Kelly!
I think Trump’s main problem with Megyn Kelly is that she has better hair than he does.
Just when I thought we’ll be emerging from the ruinous era of a “Hope and Change” candidate who was elected on account of the euphoria over his empty, bombastic promises despite evidence of his anti-Free Market, anti-Constitutional nature.
“Based on @MegynKelly’s conflict of interest and bias she should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate.”
Obama felt similarly of FOX interviews. Softballs questions for me but not for thee.
Trump fans play that kind of game all the time.
They insist, e.g., that NR’s past candidate endorsements disqualify NR, and anyone published in it, from judging Trump’s conservative credentials — and they simultaneously insist that Trump’s support of Democrats at that time is irrelevant, and that only his current campaign pronouncements really count.
They dismiss Trump critics as not real conservatives — but if you point to Trump’s very recent left-leaning statements, they huff: “This is not about ideological purity!”
It’s either hypocrisy or lunacy — take your pick.
Could we have a debate on constitutional issues? While FOX may be the best of the MSM, it isn’t the be all and end all of what the public needs to hear for question responses. I have no interest in another FOX debate with or with out Meany Meggie.
Trump isn’t likely to want to debate “constitutional issues.” For Trump, it’s all about how much better things will be when he’s in charge.
OK, reality just for a few seconds…
1. these are NOT…not the BEST of them…”debates”. They are press availabilities with others on-stage, or PAWOOs.
2. the RNC SHOULD hold actual debates in THEIR venue, and make them available to the press for a price.
3. you don’t moderate a debate with a panel. Those would be inquisitors. You only need ONE real moderator.
The sad thing about FNC is that when they had a chance to host the first Republican debate they went msnbc on us. They thought gotcha questions are what we wanted. I was extremely disappointed in Kelly
and figured she would go with serious policy questions since at that time most of the candidates were new to us. But she went with the “View” type questions and blew her chance as a professional. I am a Cruz supporter and would like to see Trump show up so that some of these Trumpisims can be dealt with once and for all.
Time for the Donald Ethanol Topump pouty face.
we are in WW 3, fight against the Caliphate.
Somehow, the general sense of the the republican and I hope the American electorate are sensing this.
The natural desire by people to feel safe in their own home is
coming to the fore with Trump as ‘Strong Man’.
This actually what was the cause for Obama’s first electoral success.
Trump is the Putin of the USA, and that is both his strength and weakness. His thin skinned ness, if not a tactic, presents a problem which, in a leader leaves him open to manipulation.
In response to Rags noting that these ‘Debates” are more like group press conferences.
A Debate should be a free for all between 2 at a time participants, a moderator to prevent physical contact, and a
proposition in contention.
I am really not sure what more can be added to this debate? No doubt it will be ratings bonanza for Fox. You can probably write the script by now of what is going to happen. I guess I am getting bored over Donald Trump.
Trump just needs to hold serve and he wins Iowa.
. . . because the Trump fandom is resolutely indifferent to little things like policy, or character, or consistency.
I just want to see a debate, Not the Megyn Kelly show. She isn’t helping the country trying to to divide the (R) vote.
Trump fans were doing that when they immediately took the stance that no other candidate existed except Jeb, and therefore it was unethical and traitorous to be anything but an enthusiastic Trump supporter.
Trump fans divided the GOP by attaching a cult-like devotion to Trump and pushing out the most effective conservative governors, and declaring that there’s no real alternative to Trump, and that any criticism of Trump is unacceptable.
Cults are always divisive.
How do you expect R’s to be united when a subset of R’s has formed a fanatical, irrational cult around someone who’s been supporting Democrats most of his life and who STILL expresses some remarkably un-conservative views?
It isn’t the Trump critics who are dividing the GOP.
I would like to see the moderators ask Cruz about his bizzare behavior with Glenn Beck.
1. Things like Cruz taking a bowed head religious blessing or coronation from Beck on stage at a campaign appearance this past week.
2. Then there was the rather creepy inauguration ceremony Beck did with Cruz on stage at campaign appearance where they each raised their right hands and Cruz swore the wrong oath of office.
3. I’d like to know more of this shadowy Beck and Cruz benefactor named Mercer that seems to have established some questionable phony companies and 501c4 groups to funnel money improperly to Cruz and his campaign.
4. I would like to know more about how Glenn Beck’s end times beliefs tie in to Cruz and his father’s dominionist end times beliefs and if Cruz agrees with these beliefs and would set USA military and foreign policy in conjunction with these end times armogedden beliefs of Beck and his father.
Beck believes that the Koran is the book of the anti christ. Beck believes that the “hidden imam” or “13th imam” of Islamic faith is in fact and will be the anti christ described in the book of revelations. Beck believes that ISIS, al qaeda, the muslim brotherhood are all manifestations of the new caliphate of the anti christ that will ultimately bring about world war, nuclear holocaust, armogedden and ultimately pave the way for the return of Christ and the reign of 1000 years of peace.
Since Beck believes Islam and the new caliphate are physical manifestations of the anti christ would Cruz who seems to share these beliefs with his dominionist preacher/father feel justified in unleashing nuclear weapons in the middle east to try and exterminate the anti christ forces of the new caliphate.
I find this long association of the Whacko Beck with Cruz’s preacher dominionist father and Cruz himself combined with some of this recent Beck Cruz bizzare behavior at campaign appearances to be very troubling and worthy of lots of critical questions.
Wow, this deep and detailed curiosity comes from a guy who has taken the position that anything Trump said or did before he started running for president is irrelevant.
For Trump fans, the only thing that counts is what Trump is currently promising them. Every other candidate gets a colonoscopy — and so does anyone who supports any other candidate.
Trump was happy to help put Democrat leftists in power — but Trump fans say it’s unfair to notice.
Trump has a disturbing degree of narcissism and megalomania, and his “principles” and judgments are quite unstable — but to Gary Britt, none of that matters because Trump said he’ll build a wall, end of story.
SO! Bierhall Bully Britt, you’ve decided going full religious bigot is the way to make friends and influence rational people…!!!
Let’s see how well that works here, shall we?
Well our resident democrat and Hillary/Bernie suupporter combines with ou resident talking ass to ignore the bizzare behavior of Cruz this week and whether Cruz migbt want to use nuclear weapons to carpet bomb middle east in order to save the world from the islamic anti christ.
Note how neither of them question the fact of Beck’s whacko beliefs.
“Note how neither of them question the fact of Beck’s whacko beliefs.”
Oh. OK, Gaghdad Bob. I call bullshit on your typical lies.
Now support them. Bigot.
Good questions Gary.
The Cruzbots here at LI will down tick you I’m sure.
I want to ask Cruz about his illegal loans, the connections and financial backing from Mercer and what he’s promised Mercer in return and why does he think a 2 year first time Senator who cozies up to McConell and Canadian citizen should be trusted.
Trump up 11 in the Fox Iowa poll and up 5 in the CBS Battleground Iowa poll. Is Cruz finished if he loses Iowa?
Absolutely. I said a couple weeks ago if anyone but Cruz wins Iowa his entire campaign will do the Carson belly flop dive. This could happen even if Cruz wins Iowa but just barely by small amount over Trump.
Whether it’s FOX, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, whichever hosting a ‘debate’, their primary goal is ratings, not a ‘debate’.
The Democrats and Republican Parties both need to take control over who appears on the debate stage away from corporate media. They need to hold debates on neutral sites and accept bids for the broadcast rights, with the applications citing in advance who will moderate.
Just like American pro sports has become more about contracts, which Hollywood star a player is dating, and who’s been arrested rather than about the games themselves, American politics has devolved into a media circus wherein policies and issues are an afterthought, canned, focus-group tested responses all around.
The whole media/politics field has been turned into a cesspool of faux-dramatic reality TV and the average person would not recognize, let alone watch, an actual debate, despite the fact it produces clear cut winners and illuminates every particpant’s policies and positions. Not sexy enough. Not entertaining.
The first time Trump takes a shot at her on stage, she should ignore. The second one she should thank him for his input. The third one she should invite him to leave because of his inability to focus on the topics and questions at hand. Then tell him there’s a way back if he wants to follow the rules while stage hands dolly in about a 10′ piece of wall with “hecho in Mexico” stamped on it and a big door in the middle with “Terrific- Return Here” blinking in neon above it with a large doorknob in a plastic likeness of Trump’s head sitting on a golden “T” and an arrow above it that says “Caution-Ethanol Ahead”.
The first time Megyn takes a shot at him on stage, he should ignore. The second one he should thank her for her input. The third one he should leave because of her inability to focus on the topics at hand.
Great article about how the Trump haters are dividing the party because they support establishment candidates.
Trump wants America to get back to work. He has become the hope and voice of the blue-collar men and women who have watched America’s decline and feel ignored. Like the cement blocks that form the foundation of the impressive buildings Trump constructs all across America, we have a growing populace who knows he can do the same for America. This alone should have given pause to National Review, but narcissism is blind, and these 22, like some in the Congress and Senate, forget what they are supposed to stand for.
Let me tell you this: Trump has “conservative” principles, and they are more vibrant and resonating than any we have seen since Ronald Reagan. Those 22 who contributed to National Review’s “Against Trump” issue all have a differing agenda. They are for Cruz or Bush or Rubio or Kasich or any establishment politician — for anyone who has served in politics in my estimation is establishment, and they have alliances with the folks that wrote “Against Trump.”
Like Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront, Trump has seen the hypocrisy from the inside and can no longer stand by and watch. Trump is going up against the political mafia chieftains of the seemingly “conservative old guard.” They are like the Mustached Petes who were stuck in the mud of their own self-importance. This is what has happened with Trump. He has seen the decline of the American worker. He has seen the corruption and lies and manipulation, and now he confronts the Johnny Friendlys who want to hold onto political control. Have a look at Brando as he fights for those who have been held hostage:
T-rump’s “conservative values” are so “vibrant” it took him about 20 seconds to sell out to the ethanol crony capitalist lobby in Iowa, liar.
He’s proven me correct. He’s just Mr. Establishment. That’s all he’s EVER been, and that’s all you can expect him to be.
If you live in Realityville…
Rags, initially, when I heard T-rumps comments, so long ago,
I was happy that he brought up the various issues.
The longer he runs for office, using innuendo and outright lies,
it becomes evident that he is a bored wealthy man, who has very little to do and wants/needs the spotlight.
I expect that when he loses the nomination, his internal inconsistities will destroy him and he will age remarkably before our eyes.
ala the wicked witch in the wizard of oz
to all Trump fanatics, if you are at all a person of faith –
Trump Spox Has History Of Bizarre, Bigoted Tweets
By Debra Heine January 24, 2016
Trump Spox Has History Of Bizarre, Bigoted Tweets
Trump Spokeswoman Has History of Bizarre, Bigoted Tweets
Trump Spox Has History Of Bizarre, Bigoted Tweets
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Katrina Pierson, the national spokesperson for the Trump campaign, is notorious for saying rash and imprudent things on national television. For instance, last month on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, Pierson insinuated that her boss, Donald Trump, would not hesitate to use our “nuclear triad.”
“What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?” Pierson said.
On Friday, conservatives and political reporters dug through her tweets and found a goldmine of foolishness. Mediaite collected some the the best of the bunch.
In 2009, she bragged about how smart she was by calling herself a “genious” [sic]:
geniusSome of the tweets are actually disturbing — like the time she said Martin Luther King Jr. was too moderate for her. Malcolm X is more to her liking.
Pierson points to Malcolm X as a large source of her ideological founding, much like the leaders of Black Lives Matter do. Pierson has called the radical figure a hero and is open about her literal idolization of him, explaining that “MLK was too moderate for me.”
Like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and others on the left, Katrina Pierson used the 2012 trial of George Zimmerman over the death of Trayvon Martin to accuse conservatives of racism, lies, and “bigotry.”
Before all the facts of the case were even out, Pierson helped circulate a petitiondemanding George Zimmerman’s immediate arrest and encouraged her followers on Twitter to “Stand For Trayvon Martin.” Time and time again, Pierson sided with progressives and declared Martin’s death a murder, even accusing the police of lying to cover up the crime.
Donald Trump is currently trying to win over evangelicals. This is what what his spokesperson thinks of Christians:
During the 2012 election, Pierson slammed Christians as the, “First to name call and First to judge.” She later criticized not just Christians but religious believers as a whole, dismissing the majority of “religious types” as unable to “handle the truth.” A month later she criticized “most religious people” as hypocrites who follow a practice of “Do as I say not as I do.” After another month, she complained that it’s “always the Christians that are married or too old to party that tell you how [you] should be living your life. As if they were [saints].”
Here’s one where she antagonizes America’s largest Christian denomination:
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Trump Spox Has History Of Bizarre, Bigoted Tweets
Pierson is same person Beck called a principled conservative and Cruz strongly supported for congress.
Ooops guess you need new material.
Glenn Beck Calls Trump Spox a ‘Leftist Radical’ After Once Calling Her a ‘Fearless Principled Conservative’
Sorry, Bierhall Bully Britt…
I don’t see how that addresses any of Miss Piersons racist, religiously bigoted, and ANTI-conservative statements.
Why don’t you address THOSE…???
I find that since Cruz endorsed her for congress that he determined all those claims are horseshit. Are you saying you don’t trust Cruz’s judgment.
I don’t see how that addresses any of Miss Piersons racist, religiously bigoted, and ANTI-conservative statements.
Why don’t you address THOSE…???
Are you saying you think Cruz would endorse a person for Congress when all those claims are true? You think Cruz is that stupid and/or corrupt? I thought you had a high opinion of Cruz?
I don’t see how that addresses any of Miss Piersons racist, religiously bigoted, and ANTI-conservative statements.
Why don’t you address THOSE…???
Don’t be afraid, T-rump sucker. DEAL with it…!!!!
I find that since Cruz endorsed her for congress that he determined all those claims are horseshit. Are you saying you don’t trust Cruz’s judgment.
But, Britt, you’re a lying SOS, and we all know it. What you SAY “you find” is a lie and attempt to deflect.
I don’t see how that addresses any of Miss Piersons racist, religiously bigoted, and ANTI-conservative statements.
Why don’t you address THOSE…???
Don’t be afraid, T-rump sucker. DEAL with it…!!!!
I’m sorry but it isn’t my job to argue against your lies or try to help you get past your low IQ and lack of cognitive abilities.
I stand with Trump.
I stand with Gary, too – great points sir.
Why don’t you Cruzbots personally attack me now. You think that will convince me or anyone to worship your guy?
Thanks Lisa. We are not alone. I hear from lurkers from time to time.
Lewandowski: Trump May Stage Townhall if Fox Won’t Dump Megyn
I guess Trump was right –
he could shoot someone on a busy street and not lose voters
You can find many claims on the internet. Sometimes a few of them are actually true and not made up bullshit.
Donald Trump Shoots himself in the Foot says can shoot somebody in New York & wont lose any voters
Except that is a phony edit job and not what Trump said. That is what Trump haters suffering from TDS say.
Put up some support for that, you lying sack of shit.
C’mon. You bigoted T-rump sucking liar. Put. It. Up.
Especially if it is Rosie O’Donnell 🙂
“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump boasted, as he formed his fingers into the shape of a gun and pointed at the crowd…”
And here’s the tape…
Gaghdad Bob Britt just lies and lies and lies.
And when T=rump says, “My people are so smart…” Gaghdad Bob feels a tingle run down his leg…and has to reach for a tissue…
You left out the part where he says “They say……” before the rest of it.
Say it isn’t so that Rags would lie and attempt to deceive the readers of LI. I’m shocked to learn there is gambling going on here.
I didn’t leave out anything. T-rump said it, and he meant it.
The crazies here prove it out, too.
So you confirm you are a liar. Got it.
I did’t leave out anything, you lying SOS.
I don’t lie, and I’m not a bigot, contra you.
T-rump DID say what you HEAR him say on the tape, POS.
It was talking about T-rump suckers like yourself.
I encourage EVERYONE to listen to it over and over.
Poor Rags never heard of video editing and photoshop.
Poooor lying POS Gaghdad Bob Britt.
Put up some proof that happened.
Some of you Trump suckers are going to need to sit on that lying POS if you want ANY credibility…
Trump leads Cruz 33% to 22% in latest Iowa Fox poll. This confirms the 11% lead Trump has in Emerson College Iowa poll that some of the cruzbot monkeys here tried to ignore claiming they knew more about polling than I or Emerson College. LOL
This week, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley appeared at a campaign rally for Donald Trump. He made it clear he wasn’t endorsing Trump and is, in fact, scheduled to appear with Sen. Marco Rubio this weekend, but his appearance is an explicit un-endorsement of Ted Cruz. Grassley has recently criticized his colleague Cruz for his opposition to ethanol and wind power subsidies…….
Among both voters, Cruz had been leading Trump in the last Fox poll. Trump now leads among “tea party voters” and is essentially tied with Cruz among “very conservative” voters. Cruz had held a slim lead among more mainstream “Republican” voters, a group Trump now leads by 9 points…….
What is becoming clear are a couple of things. Trump negotiating Palin endorsment over Cruz was YUUUGE BRILLIANT !! And Cruz made a huge strategic error in choosing to fight to the death on Corn/ethanol Hill in Iowa.
Executive leadership and big picture thinking. Trump has it and Cruz not at all.
It takes more experience than working as a government lawyer to be qualified to be President. Even if one is a high IQ natural born Canadian.
If Cruz is lucky Trump will give him another crony political job in his admin7stration if he gets in line and does a good job campaigning for Trump in the General election.
“Executive leadership and big picture thinking.”
Woodrow Wilson and FDR had it. So does T-rump, the OTHER Progressive deal-making Collectivist.
I don’t know about Wilson and FDR but Reagan had it in spades just like Trump. Trump = Reagan.
Trump = Reagan.
Except for the conservative core, integrity, truthfulness, and crazy supporter.
These new Iowa polls may increase the chances that Trump skips Fox debate and does townhall on competing network.
Trump appears at debate dressed in Star Wars Jedi Master’s robes and lifts his hand waves his arm from left to right while he says
“These others are not the conservatives you are looking for”
LOL. Sorry couldn’t resist.
Has Trump denied hiring Beck to slobber all over Cruz at campaign events?
That is good question. I questioned in another thread why would Cruz want to use a whacko insane mormon to try and get evangelical votes.
Here’s a MUCH better (i.e., SANE) question…
Why would ANYONE…of ANY religion…support T-rump?
I mean, the guy IS Biff Tannin from “Back To The Future”…!!!
OK Kelly its going to be fine. We know you are a Trump stalker. It will be all right. Please talk to her in a calm soothing voice. Reassure her that she can get over his rejection. Else she may spend another three weeks eating ice cream and sobbing. Don’t let her near scissors or the rest of the hair will go.
Donald if you have a pet rabbit keep it away from Kelly!
IF you could be truthful, you’d note that IF T-rump were POTUS, he’d sic the FCC on Kelly and anyone else who criticized him.
IF you could be truthful…
Nope that is the kind of thing the left and religious whackos like Cruz supporter Beck would do.
Oh, lying SOS, we have the TAPE of T-rump trying to sic the FCC on Jim Geraghty for DARING to speak ill of Duh Donald.
(Which just shows what an idiot Duh DOnald is, since the FCC does not regulate cable TV.)
Lie some more, you flucking moron!
It wasn’t Geraghty.
Trump’s Weimar America
Roger Cohen
NEW YORK — Welcome to Weimar America: It’s getting restive in the beer halls. People are sick of politics as usual. They want blunt talk. They want answers.
Welcome to an angry nation stung by two lost wars, its politics veering to the extremes, its mood vengeful, beset by decades of stagnant real wages for most people, tempted by a strongman who would keep all Muslims out and vows to restore American greatness.
“We’re going to be so tough and so mean and so nasty,” Donald Trump says in response to the San Bernardino massacre. People roar. He calls for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” People roar. “People want strength,” he says. People roar. His poll numbers go up. Pundits, even the longtime guru of Republican political branding, Karl Rove, shake their heads.
Trump is a clown. No, he is not. He is in earnest. And he’s onto something. It is foolish not to take him seriously.
A near perfect storm for his rabble-rousing is upon the United States. China is rising. American power is ebbing. The tectonic plates of global security are shifting. Afghanistan and Iraq have been the graveyards of glory. There is fear, after the killing in California inspired by the Islamic State, of an enemy within.
Over more than a decade, American blood and treasure have been expended, to little avail. President Obama claims his strategy against Islamist jihadist terrorism, which he often sugarcoats as “violent extremism,” is working. There is little or no evidence of that.
A lot of Americans struggle to get by, their pay no match for prices.
Along comes Trump, the high-energy guy. He promises an American revival, a reinvention, even a renaissance. He insults Muslims, Mexicans, the disabled, women. His words are hateful and scurrilous. They play on fears. They are subjected to horrified analysis. Yet they do not hurt him. He gets people’s blood up. He says what others whisper. He cuts through touchy-feely all-enveloping political correctness. This guy will give Putin a run for his money! His poll numbers rise.
It would be foolish and dangerous not to take him seriously. His bombast is attuned to Weimar America. The United States is not paying reparations, as Weimar Germany was after World War I. Hyperinflation does not loom. But the Europeanization of American politics is unmistakable.
America, like Europe, is rattled by Islamic State terrorism and unsure how to respond to the black-flagged death merchants. Its polarized politics seem broken. The right of Donald Trump and the right of France’s Marine Le Pen overlap on terrorism and immigration. On the American left, Bernie Sanders sounds like nothing so much as a European social democrat. But that’s another story.
Le Pen is now a serious candidate for the French presidency in 2017. Her strong first-round performance in regional elections was not matched in the second round. She faded. But as with Trump, she answers the popular call for an end to business as usual after two Paris massacres this year in which the Islamic State had a role. The three jihadists who killed 90 Friday-night revelers in the Bataclan club were French citizens believed to have been trained in Syria.
“Islamist fundamentalism must be annihilated,” Le Pen says. People roar. “France must ban Islamist organizations,” she says. People roar. It must “expel foreigners who preach hatred in our country as well as illegal migrants who have nothing to do here.” People roar.
There is no question Le Pen is being taken seriously in France. Europe’s watchword is vigilance. Its entire postwar reconstruction has been premised on the conviction that peace, integration, economic union and the welfare state were the best insurance against the return to power of the fascist right.
That conviction is shaken. The rise of the Islamic State, and the Western inability to contain it, leads straight to the Islamophobia in which Trump and Le Pen traffic with success. It would be hard to imagine an atmosphere better suited to the politics of fear. Americans say they are more fearful of terrorism than at any time since 9/11.
“Every time things get worse, I do better,” Trump says. He does. They may get still worse.
The Europeanization of American politics is also the Europeanization of American political risk. The unthinkable has happened in Europe. It is not impossible in America.
It would be wrong not to take Trump very seriously. It would be irresponsible. It would be to forget European history, from whose fascist example he borrows. In Weimar America politics are not what they were. The establishment looks tired. The establishment has not understood the fact-lite theater of the contemporary world.
The Weimar Republic ended with a clown’s ascent to power, a high-energy buffoon who shouted loudest, a bully from the beer halls, a racist and a bigot. He was an outsider given to theatrics and pageantry. He seduced the nation of Beethoven. He took the world down with him.
We don’t read the New York Times here. They and their writers have no credibility.
What I s it that Rags loves to say of late? Oh yeah..
The Cruzbots are attacking Trump from the LEFT with the New York Times. Proving Trump is the anti establishment conservative.
Here is a hint impeach. It would be harder to find an issue of the NYT that doesn’t call a republican or conservative a NAZI or Hitler than to find one that does.
For the NYT and radical left in general fascism and Nazi beliefs are always descending upon the right. But only actually land on the left.
But thanks for helping to confirm Trump is anti establishment conservative worthy of bullshit attacks from the nation’s official record of lies the NYT.
“Trump is anti establishment conservative worthy of bullshit attacks…”
Except you have admitted, confirmed, and TESIfied that T-rump is no such thing, you lying SOS.
He is NOT a conservative. NEVER was. NEVER will be.
He IS MR. Establishment, as he’s PROVEN first chance he got…and showing his ass on the cheap…with the Iowa crony capitalist ethanol lobby.
You really are as dumb as a sack full of bricks – read the article and refute instead of plugging your ears and singing LA,LA,LA.
I have tried very hard to be civil in my comments to you,
but you don’t re·cip·ro·cate.
If you want civil discussion, respond, else just drop it.
have a nice life.
Some people think the louder meaner and nastier they get the more they convince others to see it their way.
The irony is, it has the opposite effect.
The pot commented to the kettle…
You show up waving around a NYT article calling Trump and his supporters Nazis and then try to play the martyr over civility??
lol, too funny
All of my posts to you have been perfectly civil impeach. Please show me a quote from an uncivil post.
You want me to refute an opinion piece from an unhinged NYT writer. It is an OPINION piece.
Ok here is my refutation. My OPINION is that Cohen is a complete left wing moron whom I wouldn’t trust to do anything properly except guzzle my scotch while boring everyone in the room with his elitist bullshit. My OPINION is the only job he could get would be some worthless out of touch left wing media outlet or a university professor where actual results aren’t required.
Lastly my OPINION is that everything he wrote in that worthless article you posted to waste everyone’s time is complete nonsense and factless hallucinations born from a brain rendered incapable of any meaningful thought after decades of exposure to too much scotch and socialist circle jerk gatherings.
No, the only acceptable “news” sources for Trumpeteers are Trumpbart and The Perturbative Trumphouse.
Pauline Kael, call your office.
Cohen submission piddling before islamofascism. Eek eek its the dread islamophobia. Cohen is one of those Jews who whines about Israel defending itself, thinks Jews should not build settlements in their own country, and (as in the copied article) likes to imply that anyone who stands up to islam is a Nazi. Typical NYT smear piece.
Eff you, we’re tired of this submit to islam bullsh*t, even if Trump is not our first choice.
Take note that the “T-rump down-thumbers” got the word to show up this afternoon.
As opposed to the cruzbot down thumbers who are always present at around twice the number of the Trumpbots.
You can tell how this is turning out by how unhinged Pugs is. New CBS Battleground polls from NH and SC have Trump opening up huge leads. One week to go. Snow and sleet for the Iowa caucuses.
Golly, if unhatched chickens were counted, you’d be the Perdue Poultry of elections…!!!
Plus, as I’ve noted before, the nation TWICE elected a lying, narcissistic asshole.
It could be a trend…
Accidentally gave a down vote trying to reply. Sorry.
Low turnout at caucus is supposed to favor Cruz so snow and ice could be h8s hest shot on caucus day.
Wanting to keep a tally, just for the record…
Bierhall Bully Britt slimes Beck and Cruz’s dad on religion in pure bigot fashion…
Bierhall Bully Britt claims T-rump video doctored.
Bierhall Bull Britt claims siccing FCC “like something Cruz would do.
Pointed out to Bierhall Britt that T-rump (Progressive, NYC) actually DID try to sic the FCC on critic.
At least the lying SOS has a consistent batting record.
Oh, yeah, here’s the video that Bierhall Bully Britt says was doctored.
Watch it. Over and over. See it you see any hint of it being doctored.
Now ask yourself why you’d support that narcissistic dick?
Damn, forgot one…
Miss Piersons racist, religiously bigoted, and ANTI-conservative statements.
CHALLENGED TO ADDRESS: response lies, deflection, etc.
“Everything that guy just said is bullshit” (Vinny giving opening statement to Jury in My Cousin Vinny).
Phillyguy, you are right Rags is going to pop a gasket. Getting more and more hysterical with his lies and attempted character assassinations.
Rags you better stop and check your blood pressure and double up on your prozac. News isn’t going to get any better for you.
Also still waiting for a reply to questions about whether Cruz joins Beck and his father with their danderous end times armaggedon religious beliefs about Islam being the anti christ religion and the hidden imam the savior predicted in islamic writings is in fact the anti christ described in the bibles book of revelations?
And hey “impeach obama” how do Becks and Cruz father’s beliefs about islam being the anti christ religion and the hidden imam being the actual anti christ square with Cohen’s worries about islamophobia?? How about doing a compare and contrast on that for all of us here.
“Also still waiting for a reply to questions about whether Cruz joins Beck and his father with their danderous end times armaggedon religious beliefs about Islam being the anti christ religion and the hidden imam the savior predicted in islamic writings is in fact the anti christ described in the bibles book of revelations?”
OBJECT, Your Honor. Assumes crazy bullshit not in evidence. Also object to the illiterate writing of this stupid fluck.
“And hey “’impeach obama’” how do Becks and Cruz father’s beliefs about islam being the anti christ religion and the hidden imam being the actual anti christ square with Cohen’s worries about islamophobia?? How about doing a compare and contrast on that for all of us here.”
OBJECT, Your Honor. Same objection as to crazy bullshit not in evidence. Also object to relevance, Your Honor. The matter before us is Duh Donald’s peevish, purile, and prickish threat to run from Megyn Kelly.
Mr. Trump writes moving op ed in Washington Examiner detailing his views on abortion and a “Culture Of Life” well worth the read.
“Let me be clear — I am pro-life. I support that position with exceptions allowed for rape, incest or the life of the mother being at risk. I did not always hold this position, but I had a significant personal experience that brought the precious gift of life into perspective for me. My story is well documented, so I will not retell it here. However, what I will do with the remaining space is express my feelings about life, and the culture of life, as we just marked the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade.”
“I did not always hold this position, but I had a significant personal experience that brought the precious gift of life into perspective for me.”
I decided to run for POTUS…as a Republican, no less…!!!
And can you believe it? Those morons are BUYING it…!!!
But only a matter of days ago…WAY less than a BILLION, HA!…I was endorsing Federal funding to Planned Parenthood! And was COOL with partial-birth abortions…!!! I swear…!!!
No, SERIOUSLY. You can’t make this up! And the rubes are STILL buying it…!!!
I see that a god of forgiveness, redemption and conversion is a foreign concept Ragz, Cruz and Beck.
Rags god appears to be a juvenile god of childish name calling without redemption or forgiveness. Not a god of miracles but a god of petty fecklessness.
We know that Beck’s and Cruz’s god is a god of end times where billions are burnt in the fires of nuclear holocaust in a battle of armaggedon with the anti christ of islam.
Cruz and Beck may want to purify their god’s people in a Holocaust of nucoear fire that burns away all the impurities that surround their god’s people but not to worry at least the world will perish comfortable in the thought that Cruz did his best to protect big oil from the effects of an ethanol fuel standard already set to expire in 5 years.
And Gaghdad Bob better HOPE that whatever gods exist don’t hate lies as much as the Bible says.
‘Cause he’s TOAST if’n’ they does…
Jes’ sayin’…
Trump in his own words.
Yawn.. old news. Nothing new. Nob8dy cares.
Let’s review:
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain…
T-rump is the Great And Powerful Wizzer Of Odds”
And Bierhall Britt thinks he isss dur Furher…by Gott!
He HASSS dur schteel and isss RUTHLESS. Ja WOHL, mine Furher…!!!
He will be another Obama vis the constitutional republic, but he SAYS he’ll build a wall, and he SAYS Mexico will pay for it.
But he lies all the time… By which I mean, CONSTANTLY.
You people look quite unhinged. You get that, right?
You’re determined to have a cynical self-aggrandizing government-embiggening Constitution-ignoring progressive strongman as your Dear Leader, and you’re pretty much hijacking actual conservative blogs to have a platform to say so… and going off like rabid squirrels on meth at anyone who dares to espouse traditional conservative values. This is going to endear people to your Lightbringer how, exactly?
WaPo has analyzed latest Iowa poll internals to look at effect of Glenn Beck endorsement on Cruz.
Turns out that after Beck endorsement Cruz is up 4% with cry babies and 7% with manic depressives but Cruz is down 12% with alcoholics because they think Beck makes them look bad?