Progressive College Student Mistakenly Tries to Debate Dinesh D’Souza

Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza visited Amherst College in October and engaged in some voluntary debate with a small audience.

One student asked two very long questions which, combined with D’Souza’s responses, make up the bulk of the video below.

The first question is about American foreign policy in the Middle East and D’Souza dispenses that issue fairly quickly. The second question has to do with social justice and racial privilege.

D’Souza dismantles the student’s argument systematically but ultimately cites the Achilles’ heel of all progressive arguments for redistribution. Why doesn’t this student give up his place at this elite institution of higher education so someone of lesser privilege may step in?

According to the Amherst College website, cost of attendance for the 2015-2016 school year is over $60,000 and attendance there is a privilege, not a right.

Scott McKay of The Hayride described it this way:

VIDEO: It Is Unwise For Leftists To Challenge Dinesh D’Souza To A Theoretical DebateThis clip, which goes 19 minutes or so but is well worth the time, comes from an appearance D’Souza made back in October at Amherst College.He gets accosted by a freshman, and a reasonably intelligent one, with a pair of questions about white privilege and Islamic militancy arising as a reaction to American imperialism.Needless to say, D’Souza is not impressed with the premises behind either question, and he knows a lot more about the world than the freshman does. It gets exceedingly good when D’Souza gets going on the question of white privilege and how to address it, and the unwillingness of the freshman, who is white as snow, to personally surrender his own unjust advantages as a gesture of leadership in this new “just” society to replace the free one bequeathed to us by the racist white men who founded the country.

As McKay points out, the video is 19 minutes long and when I started watching it, I wasn’t sure if I’d make it through the whole thing but I found myself unable to stop.

I highly recommend watching the whole thing:

Progressives love to complain about privilege and want to use government force to redistribute other people’s wealth. Their own? Not so much.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Dinesh D'Souza, Progressives, Social Justice