Hillary Clinton Can’t Remember Her Plan To Deal With National Debt

You would think someone who’s proposed at least $1 trillion in new debt would be able to answer questions about how she plans to manage the $18 trillion already outstanding.


Speaking in New Hampshire Thursday afternoon, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton was asked, “specifically, what will you do” about “our $18 trillion national debt?”

Clinton couldn’t remember what she planned to do about the national debt, but she was happy to refer people to her husband’s 1990’s tax policies. I’m sorry, but who’s on the ballot again?

Of course, Clinton never answered the question, but did was at least kind enough to send the curious to her website.

So, I went to her website. And wouldn’t you know… despite the scores of other issues covered, “national debt” was nowhere to be found. I looked under “economy.” No mention of the national debt there. “Wall Street and corporate America”? Nope. Not there either.

Good one, Hillary. Good one.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Hillary Clinton, National Debt