Rahm Emanuel | calls for resignation | Laquan McDonald
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Calls Grow for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Resign

Calls Grow for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Resign

A police shooting video was allegedly suppressed.

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is under pressure to resign following the release of a police dash cam video of cops shooting Laquan McDonald.

The video was made in October of 2014 and it’s been suggested by some that it was suppressed to protect Emanuel’s chances for re-election.

Nick Gass reports at Politico:

Rahm Emanuel: I have no plans to resign

Rahm Emanuel said Wednesday that he would not resign, despite growing criticism for what some are calling his botched response to video footage showing a Chicago police officer last year firing 16 times at Laquan McDonald, who was walking away from officers.

“No,” he said, during one of several testy exchanges through the course of a nearly hour-long discussion with POLITICO’s Mike Allen and POLITICO Illinois’ Natasha Korecki. “Because I really so much looked forward to this interview and I wanted to have it. I just felt so good saying that to you. We have a process called the election. The voters spoke. I’ll be held accountable for the decisions and actions that I make.”

Allahpundit of Hot Air explains what really happened here:

If the video had come out, Emanuel would have been dealing with protests at a moment when anti-police demonstrations across the country were still burning hot. As it is, he won the run-off election in April by 11 points thanks in part to his strength among black voters, with an assist from his old friend Barack Obama. The city reached a settlement with McDonald’s family for $5 million just one week after the run-off. What if the settlement, the huge amount of which suggested egregious wrongdoing by the city, had come beforehand?

Things got worse for Rahm yesterday when Politico’s Mike Allen asked the mayor’s about plans to bring his family to the socialist paradise of Cuba for a holiday vacation:

Rahm Emanuel laid into POLITICO’s Mike Allen on Wednesday when Allen revealed the Chicago mayor’s plans to vacation in Cuba with his family over the holidays, angrily saying, “I really don’t appreciate that.”…

“We were saying backstage that you want to come back as an Emanuel child. You take your young people on fascinating trips around the world, headed these holidays to Cuba. Why?” POLITICO’s senior White House correspondent asked.

Emanuel bristled, responding, “Well, first of all, thanks for telling everybody what I’m going to do with my family.”

“You had a private conversation with me and now you decide to make that public. I really don’t appreciate that, for one, I really don’t,” the mayor scolded.

Here’s the video of Rahm getting testy:

At least he’s not working in the White House anymore.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Dead Fishgram sent to Rahm:

“It’s been awful working with you. Love, Chicago.”

Bitterlyclinging | December 3, 2015 at 10:24 am

Its genetic with Democrats.
“Emphasize that the deaths of four Americans, including the US Ambassador, in Benghazi, Libya was the result of a spontaneous demonstration over a hateful internet video, rather than a failure of policy.”
Whenever an election is at stake, lie!

“I’ll be held accountable for the decisions and actions that I make.”

Boy, I’d LOVE to see a little bit of that happening in America!

But it won’t under the ObamaBanana Republic. Maybe in a state prosecution. Maybe under the Cruz DoJ.

We can but hope…

Kind of fun watching the Frankenstein monster turn on its maker.

Sorry, Rahm, but we can’t let a scandal go to waste.

Before you know it you’ll be 75 and it will be time to check out … just like your brother, the doctor, ordered.

Seems just like some fish travel in schools, some extremists travel in families.

Just like his butt-buddy Barack Obama, this vile, corrupt little scumbag lied and suppressed information in order to get re-elected. People died as a direct result of those lies. They both belong in prison. Hopefully the nation has learned it’s lesson about “The Chicago Way” in national politics; Chicago prog pols are vile, lying scum who have no business on the national stage. Having grown up in Illinois, I knew that being from Chicago is an immediate dis-qualifier for any pol. Hopefully now everyone else understands. The city prides itself on it’s corrupt politicians. How disgusting.

Rahm is scum of the earth and will emerge again, somewhere like a cockroach.

“At least he’s not working in the White House anymore.”

What makes you think that?

He will not resign.

Thump goes the weasel.

Before people applaud these calls for Rahm to step down. Keep in mind that had he lost his last election Comrade “Chewy” Garcia would mayor. In Chicago, the right wing choice is Rahm. Those calling for him to quit are the far left.

Kind of scary for Chicago, isn’t it?