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Australian Gun Grabber Wants Tougher Travel Warnings for U. S.

Australian Gun Grabber Wants Tougher Travel Warnings for U. S.

Apparently, we have “80 mass shootings a day” that go unreported. Or something.

In the wake of the “there’ve been more mass shootings than days in the year” hysteria, Australia’s former deputy prime minister, Tim Fischer, is pushing for “better travel warnings” for Australian travelers to the U. S.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports:

Three hundred and fifty two mass shootings in the USA so far this year but about 80 a day you don’t hear about,” Mr Fischer told ABC News on Thursday.

“All [are] unacceptable because the US is not stepping up on the public policy reform front. But have we not reached the stage where the Smart Traveller advice of [the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade] needs to be muscled up?”

Mr Fischer said a person is 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the US than in Australia and that travel advice should reflect this, as it does for Mexico.

“It’s time to call out the USA,” he said.

Mr Fischer said Australia’s alliance with the US has been “too much one way” and suggested Australia start preventing delegates from attending conferences there, as well as a “streamlining” of the annual ‘G’day LA’ event. [emphasis mine]

According to the FBI, as reported in Time, there were 160 active shooter cases between 2000 and 2013, with 43 of those defined as “mass killings.”

And according to the New York Times, who just yesterday published an editorial board op-ed demanding gun confiscation, there have been four “mass shootings” this year, and 73 such attacks since 1982.

Australia’s Fischer, however, is apparently not one to get bogged down in facts, anyway (80 mass shootings a day in the U. S.? Really?!).  He led the fight against gun ownership in Australia, and in 2013, he proudly proclaimed that the number of accidental deaths and suicides by gun shot were greatly reduced.  Well.  Yes.  Of course.  But the call for gun confiscation, “gun control,” and “gun safety” are never about protecting people from accidental shootings and suicide (though if someone is bent on suicide, not having a gun is unlikely to stop them).

But I digress.  Fischer’s role in Australia’s gun ban was quite significant.  The Sydney Morning Herald continues:

As leader of the Nationals, Mr Fischer campaigned with John Howard in the wake of the 1996 Port Arthur massacre to dramatically tighten gun control laws. This included the mass buyback of over 600,000 firearms.

The government faced extreme opposition, particularly from traditional Coalition voters. In one incident, an effigy of Mr Fischer was hanged in the Queensland town of Gympie.

This is also not the first time that Fischer has suggested that Australians avoid the U. S. (and with no perceivable impact on tourism, the economy, etc.).


According to The Atlantic, “Fischer has been railing against U.S. gun laws for years”:

In 2012, after the mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, Fischer issued a similar warning to his fellow citizens about visiting the United States. “U.S. senators and diplomats over the years almost all privately say that the U.S. must revamp their gun laws, but the NRA has a block on allowing this to happen,” he said. “Truth of the matter is there is a certain gutlessness at the highest levels in and around Washington, which is preventing some minimum logical steps being taken, especially over the number of guns that any individual can purchase.”

. . . .  Last year, after another mass shooting in America, Fischer reflected in an interview with NPR on the lessons he’d learned from his gun-control campaign in Australia, which included a moment in which he was hung in effigy by protesters at a public meeting in Queensland.

“This was Australia’s chance to jump through the hoops, take some pain, withdraw private property from individuals but pay them just compensation,” he said.

Perhaps Mr. Fischer should take a look at our Constitution.  He doesn’t appear to realize that we have innate, inalienable rights that are not granted by government and that cannot be taken away by government.


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Population-wise, Australia is roughly equivalent to the state of Florida. If they all stayed home, would anyone even notice?

Avoid areas known for progressive morality, and safe havens for the pro-choice cult, and you will be fine.

    Paul in reply to n.n. | December 6, 2015 at 1:57 pm

    Exactly. If you examine the crime statistics geographically, the large majority of the gun crime is concentrated in Democratically-controlled, “Great Society” enclaves with tight gun controls and “no gun zones” galore.

And Fischer is what passes for a conservative down under.

Sad how dementia has infested the higher level of Aussie government. However, the emphasis is not one of liberty or freedom, but domestic tranquility through control of the population. These are “subjects” of the Crown, not citizens of a free republic. Different path than ours. We are fast getting to a government by dictat, without checks and balances….

Well. Yes. Of course.

And why would you say that?

A hysterical claim by some antipodean fruitcake hardly establishes a fact. And if it isn’t a fact, and an obvious one at that, it hardly rates an “of course”.

There have been a number of quantitative studies of the correlation of accidental deaths and/or suicides with gun laws and/or gun availability. The ones I’ve read failed to establish the strong link that some people assert.

    Good point,Tom, but I was just thinking that because 600,000 or so Australians turned in their guns, then accidental shootings and suicide by gun shot would have dropped. It seemed logical to me, but I do agree that gun grabbing doesn’t solve anything (except make it easier for the people to be “managed”).

      See this chart of the Australian firearms homicide rate over time:
      The rate has been decreasing for decades, and the gun ban did not change that rate.

      Gremlin1974 in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | December 6, 2015 at 6:00 pm

      Another question to ask is did the gun “buyback” actually reduce violent crime?

      When Britain outlawed guns violent crime rose by something like triple. Though the anti-gun crazies ignore that little fact when they claim that violent crime is dropping due to gun control. Yea it is dropping from that number that is 3 times higher than before the ban.

      They also fail to mention that since the ban they has been an increase in the number of police, in fact in 2002 they had the largest increase in 26 years, just 5 years after the ban.

      Not to mention the country now have about the same number of surveillance camera’s per square foot as a Las Vegas casino.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to tom swift. | December 6, 2015 at 5:17 pm

    I just love that the largest of those studies can from Harvard. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.

Bed-wetting Aussies STAY OFF…!!!

The rest of the Aussies are welcome. Hell, in Texas, we’ll even take you out to shoot the guns you can’t have!

It seems saddest to me to reflect that Australia has a constitution modeled closely on our own; but that they purposefully left out the Bill of Rights.

So there is no actual freedom of speech, freedom of self-defense, right of a trial by jury, and so on. The Aussies seem to think that their way is preferable, but then they get their information from the media. Which is about as unbiased as our own. They don’t even have to explain why they aren’t covering some important stories; they aren’t allowed to, you see.

And one there has to be careful about calling a politician a liar; that can get you jailed, even if what you said is true and you can prove it.

Actually, not so different to here after all, is it?

    Australia left out the Bill of Rights. England left out the Bill of Rights. Canada left out the Bill of Rights. India left out the Bill of Rights. Mexico left out the Bill of Rights.

    F’ the bloody lot of all of them.


Don’t come here.

You’re from the Land of Gun Confiscation. You’re a liability to us. We’ll end up having to take responsibility for you because you and your culture can’t take responsibility for yourselves.

We have better things to do, and besides at least this part of the Planet would be better off without you.

Stay home. Don’t come here.