What Makes a Good Leader? Carly Fiorina Explains

carly fiorina citizen carly october 2015

An ad released by a pro-Carly Fiorina PAC, Carly for America, released an ad Monday that spared no one.

Taking on candidates both right and left, the ad features Fiorina begins with Fiorina explaining, “every election we hear a lot of talk, we hear a lot of good plans, we hear actually, a lot of good intentions, but somehow for decades, nothing really has changed.”

Touting her record of, “getting things done,” and her status as a Washington outside, Fiorina continued:

“Anybody can write a plan. How often do politicians put out detailed plans? How often do they get enacted? Never. That’s the problem. What we need now is a proven leader who has produced results. The truth is this — the big problem is we need a leader in Washington who understands how to get something done.”

Republican presidential candidates will duke it out tomorrow night in yet another televised debate.

Currently, the Real Clear Politics polling average has Fiorina hovering steadily around 3%.

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Tags: 2016 Republican Primary, Carly Fiorina