More Mizzou Madness: Prof Under Fire Over Exam Outrage

The Mizzou clown show continued today with the online flogging and ensuing resignation of Dr. Dale Brigham, a professor in the university’s Nutrition and Exercise Physiology Department.

Breaking News from a local NBC affiliate tells me that Brigham’s resignation was not accepted by the university. We’re waiting for more details.

In the mean time, here’s the back story…

Brigham came under fire after refusing to cancel a scheduled exam after students complained of feeling “unsafe” on campus. Classes campus-wide followed a normal schedule, so Brigham’s refusal to cancel was in no way a departure from an established or encouraged policy.

He sent an email to his students announcing his decision—and all hell broke loose.

Campus Reform has screenshots of Brigham’s original email, and the email he sent following the mass freakout the first one caused. Here’s the first:

“If you don’t feel safe coming to class, then don’t come to class. I will be there, and there will be an exam administered in our class. If you give into bullies, they win. The only way bullies are defeated is by standing up to them.”

Unforgivable! A scandal! How dare this man not cancel his exam for the convenience of progressive performance art!

What happened next was horrifying:

Brigham’s mentions on Twitter are an abomination. They’re worse than what I chose to include in this post. For the toddlers at Mizzou, this man is the second coming of Hitler, if Hitler were whiter and even more committed to the idea of white male privilege. (Whoa.)

People (especially alums) are shocked and upset by how things resolved:

If you scroll down through Brigham’s mentions, you’ll find an outpouring of positivity and support about his classes and his methods, and evidence that he is well-liked and respected in the community.

Of course, none of that matters once you’ve kicked over the freak hive.

The most frightening aspect of all of this is that the university and the media has empowered this mob to the point that it is now actively destroying lives. At this point, I’m not even sure what the exit strategy is here. This “movement” will either fizzle, or turn Mizzou into another Oberlin or Yale.

Either way, it won’t leave the ideological terrorists of the left any less empowered.

Follow Amy on Twitter @ThatAmyMiller

Tags: academia, Racism